Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — DENVER ED SMITH MAY BOX [ARTICLE]


[K»nv»-r Ei smith was busy a «iTh Attorney Brook-* of this city it «a?- ended "Denver Ed ” • jub: • vh’.bition Tb- evening said Smith, yo - •-xhibition in the art cf self in Honolulu I will he responsible P to-night, and no one will have a rig I am in first class form and I h who will take part In the prehmina Some people have tried to inju 'he High Sheriff that it will end In of the kind. Ever since I f-ame dow abiding citizen, and propose to be so The names on the program fo pro< i-edlngs will b‘ above reproach known here with the exception of n-ni* in law and business circle*. C A Graham will referee the b Caroarlnos will be master of ceremo fighting speaks for itself, and if to the people of Honolulu. I intend to this city.

at h- h-adquart--<■ ia- # night training It was a pr-v exhibition an', when - 'art over the pro.-pec - far to right's 011 will -«-» th- pr*-t*iest and most f defense that yon have ever witnessed personally for anything that happens ght to complain. hope that my opponent, and all those a ties will feel in the same condition. ure tonight - exhibition by writing to a regular fight. It will be nothing rn to Honolulu I have been a lawo as long as Honolulu is my faorr.e. or to-nignt are a guarantee tha* the i- All of the local box*-rs are wellf on*- and one is a young man promitiouts and I> metritis Gambrinns antes My record for clean and honest > night's exhibition is satisfactory to o start a first class athletic club in