Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

y H. Redward NewYorkDimtal contractor and Builder Parlors. f 42 Punchbowl Street, f Telephone BLUE 1701. Ream 4, Elite Budding. Hotel Street Jobbing Promptly Attended to. i Telephone White >Ol. —• — Jobbing Promptly Attended To. THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. OSCAR SELLERS No Wore Dread of the Dental Chair. PLUMBING. Office and Shop: 475 Beretanla. Near Alapal Street p.-»ojrg a*jo:on. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. Wh v keep your horse AT THE Hotel S ta^ES Where the feed is good, the conditions sanitary, attention kind and prompt, and RATES MODERATE? James Brown, Proprietor Teeth extracted and filled absolutely without pain by our late scientific method*. No bleep-producing agent* or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors In Honolulu that have the patent appliances and ingredients to extract. fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns, undetectable from natural teeth, and warranted for ten years, without the least particle of pain. Gold crowns and teeth without plates, gold filling:: and all other dental work done painlessly and by specialists. Gold crowns, $6; full set teeth, f 5; bridge work, 85; gold filling, |1 up! silver fillings, 50c. HO PIATIS FISH MARKET BOOTH Win. J. ARNOLD, Manager. Any work that should not prove satisfactory will be attended to free of charge any time within 5 years. HAS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A CHOICE LINK OF Imported a• d Domestic Meats; Fish; Li »e and Refrigerated Poultry. Butter. Eggs. Cheese. Potatoes, Fruits and Vegetable*. Two deliveries dally to ary place within city' limits—at 9a. m and 3 p 01. Customers desiring to have their orders delivered are respectfully requested to call and leave the same ytior to the hours above named. We are making a specialty of gold crowns and bridge work; the most beautiful, painless and durable cf all dental work known to the profession. Our name alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of the best. We have a specialist in each department. Best operators, best gold workman and extractors of teeth: in fact, all the staff are inventors cf modem dentistry. We will tell you in advance exactly what your work will cost by free examination. Give us a call and you will find we do exactly as we advertise. .Telephone Main 379 ■ ■ IMMIPH ICE . ICE Delivered to all parts of the city. Room 4 Elite Building. Hotel St LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. Office open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Make appointments for erenlcb*. Oahu Ice & Electric Go. Wela Ka Hao Saloon. QUEEN STREET. JUST OPENED. COOL DRINKS. FINE CIGARS. Tumble In some day! 1 uniuir m fivuir • Phone 3151 Blue . MCKENZIE a THOMPSON. PrepFOR ONE WEEK ONLY i: WIM. OI R A I BIG SHIRT WAIST SALE LAST v | 1 $ ALL IMPORT HD GOODS of the very latest and most stylish lashions. —Don’t for'iet. it will on Saturday. Jan. 1 N th. A. A. MONTANO, Prop H. F. DAVISON, MorI i $ ARLINGTON BLOCK. S £ Rhone Main 311. HOTEL STREET. I I S . R. 0. Box 57. f Get tour Horses From Teleahon Main 35 To Get THE TERRITORY STABLES A MODERN LIVERY, up-'o-date in every particular, first-class f boarding Rigs delivered and called for In any part of the city. S, F. Thonias, Manager. ~==s~-~^==SSS=