Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 13, 24 July 1940 — New Waffle Shop To Open Next Week [ARTICLE]

New Waffle Shop To Open Next Week

| The uew Wuffie Siioi> o\\ ueu uud > j LL.aiiayed by Miss iliiiinHi | j wiii oi»en Ixoxl. week iu liiē I4 cur- | j:us buildiiiij, (*u Waiauueuue sireet, I fuU deaūt of wiueh will be anuouu- | ced iu iiext week*s issue of Uiis j uewspai>er. | j Miss l*age has goue to heavy ex- 1 ; i>euse To g:vi- llilo the niosi iuodern I of e;iti«.c i-la>-e>, after Uaving n>n- ! dueted shiiilar enteri>r!so> 5u tlo- ' I sh>!uUl aiui >>11101' eities wivh >uarked ! suecvss\ ! Wateh f ( >r t!ie nnmioiuetuent in ■ ! wee!<v Hokil. j