Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 22, 25 September 1940 — YES, HE BEAT IT ALRIGHT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


i Said tlred Mrs. Budge To her cute little Wiilie, | t4 Qult nroTind And actlng so slll,v. Here, take thls carj>et Anel lveat lt, kld"— Wiille took it out nlri;Jit And beat !t he dltl BULL-ETIH

* 'am alwraya giad to «erve on 4 . eemmiUeea, and i ««v«r nu«« « ] j «>mmttt«« me«tlna." [ T be Russlarss haven't figured| nioeh in t\e war new s lately. ! be R«ssia |b just Statln, 1 WAIAKEA WILCIE SAYS: j

i -Y«|* htV ** Uke m> ! i w©rd Hr iL Look up y«r hi«Wry i I UooK «nd y«M*U «n4 that th« 1 j ehanae* th«t hav« eome f«r the j | b«tt«r ln humAn «o«let> hav mou J a!ius b«n «tarted fey wmmoa j with uAeommon »cn*c," ■ ! Waed» rt»t> «lamcr; i *«ri .< W*tafc*a. aayit >hr do« $n't < i»«* *hv tlMk,v <<«1 the M*j ! hw» ov*r t« l&nn* aa*S stor thst s w*r. | VaTK FOR KOK*VNrTS* |