Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 51, 16 April 1941 — News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys [ARTICLE]

News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys

<»y Beft*lCt HUNTj "Mftdame Chairoian!" "ln my ' *"I do not agree— ** "Here J are soiri& facts—" ""Whal ia your. aathorlty—?" These are some £§• } mil!ar pbraaes bearfl every Wed- , neßdfty i&orōlūg wlien fhe whole ( BtuQent body at , S€htj6l¥or G!ris meets lti iWo di- j *fslc«S"g to dHscuss topTcs of tfie w- - ~ 1 "" "Wlmt fa proj>agan3a ānd liow ēaH* ; !t be reeognire<s? How ean we i gMrB <Lga!nst hanhrul propāganSa? T« there F!fth Oolumn [a AmericaT mat Btū.uld be the <$t TT.S. tn thc Far East? Tb«se are aooae ot tbe problems wliieh Mve dJBcu BS e<3 tlaā year ln paneTand open dtscUBBtoas, " " Por fwenty-five mlnutes & llvely tntorntal det»ate oonttnue« an3 rrotn tventy to th?rtv girts actWely* par-*| ticlpate. Bom«Uin«8 C&« is used for several rorom ®a§et!n&Ēt all the issues involve<J have| been' studied and opinīona atred. Thia givee evēry gīft a& * to express hersetf on som« piihke of Uie sub}ect. Ev«ry girl reade and taTces notes on the different issues before dls : euaaion period, The scbooT Hbrarv Purnlsbes a large supply of p6to£>V letsrperlod|ca3s susd datlv pap*rs, as well as recent b'cK»Vß~ffom wbtcti to gatber SnfōraniUon. On ilōnday afid TuesdBj afternoons, nsaaily a mad msb for raateriaf ānd on Wedneaday tbere is another rusb to return U be?ore eight o*«toelc. Tt» Hui Holo Mua {Forum Hub) a prftup ftf set»lor*. tnwtn veekly to decide on toptcJ to be i MateHals nn tbe »üb}?ft a» fhn g*tb«>r«d rad <m re«erve tor all girls ln U>e senior j 4viiiu. Aa outllne is preparfd j for &tudy and preltminary diBcus-j Bl«m8 in aoeial «eienee class»s. Some meraber of tbe club acts tsj ehainnan at eacb WednesĀ&vl forum. ' j In tbe junior subjects J ior discussion may orisinate inj eiiiier Uie Eaglish or the Socīnli l Studies Representatives. from the seYeuth, eigbtb, ninth: gr«4es forat a steerin£ committee | and pian tlie ln advanre, : "WilUa« versu6 lU>oB«veltr "N'ew, Discoveries In sclfn^e"_"Good an\3 4 af Movies" -tbesō au*s*m>* of the topies tn tbe| junior forum. Tbe girls were aV : most evenly divided Sn tbe verbal| aiiegiances to tbe presidential didates but when tho mOcV took plaeei, Roosevett tQōfc most o! ttoe votes. lt is £elt U»*t thU freq.uent of al) &tudc»ts ?r, QJ*B diBcu«\«n bas m*ay v*l\w lt has bwu a dfsth\ct ald In tbe tm prov«m«nt of oral Tt bas alao furni&hed motive utd purpoee in (he readiog >>f a w!di& v*rlety oT periodicais as well as increased sltlll ln usixjg tbe ltbrwy to find !n torma(ior. Torbai'S tbe reipst tm povtant itsuU is be fouafl r«al and active interest in curreTvt| social aud eeonomie problem&. ( "