Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 6, 4 June 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

<j4£anata J\ <Hoofaata $ >CaKul «Haioaii

_STAR OF HAWAII (Print#d in English and Howaiian)

" T. H. \ īwī"



The Star o( Hawaii is publiah«d in Uie of the Hawaiian people with a view of promoting goodwill and preserving the language and traditlons of the Hawaiian people.

Vol. XXXVI, No. 6~

WiM to thc Hawa»M» P«opfe

. WLO, HXWAI,r^H..f K DNEShAt.

u uu Wi>J ,i..iij mn TWb Bectlon of K» Hofcv 0 «»**« lt in tbe Bnglteh»-laagTia9e 'or Uie beneflt of tbe . younger g«neratlon, naaay oE whom <Jo oot reaē the lan«uas© of tlieir Soref»t}iers, and <mr Ca9C# «lan suWērffcerB. "