Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 17, 20 August 1941 — Native Sons Holding Meet On Two Days [ARTICLE]

Native Sons Holding Meet On Two Days

... - v , Pioogram for h renj(orial eoa-w-nliou of the Native Sodb !>a\ighters of Hawaii s!ated to be held in Hilo over two days, August 23 and 24, was announced b>- the loeai eouneil whieh wil! sponsor the convention. Big event of the territory-wide cone3ave wherein tiiere will be delegates from Oahu, Maui and Kauai as weli as from this isiand wiii be a luau-dance on Saturday eveniii& Augu«t 23, at the new American Ijegion hali. .Speakers at the convention luau wili be Alvah Scoll aud Francia aceor<llng to tlie announee-iiK-»t. For entertainimat, besldes danclng there will be a pageant &nd floor Bhow uuder the directlou of Mrs. liuberta Bell. Williaiu li. Chuu wiii preslde ovt»r the busine* sessson on Saturday. during whieh initiation at new raenibers ivill be one business. The i:eoph,vtt's will be guesta of the! : couacil at the luau-dance tbe same ] evcning. | | Harry K. Ui-owu. fiaance chair-1 Mi>d four oth<.rs were apopinl- i |f d lo Utke charge of the forthcom- ( ,111« convention progra.m. The oth-i t eis ioclud« llērbert Y. Taketa. re- j |ser*»ilo»; Edwin M, recei> |«o»i *nd Hrs, EMwboth.Hvari.ftud !Wiliiam G. Aiona, tranSiX)rlaU£yD. , uthLja UUa* aelne i<vLs wUl' Dr. Chiyrles A, Qoq, iirysideat of jCouuc;l G (SousJ aud Mrs,,„E\a IV liead of Oouneil fi TjU>au«h--f i ers). r The main tent of the E. K. ! circus. its camival: fe«tte«eßlcns and equlpment, were j«e«tr6ycd by at 4:30 &. m. jAwir. 13 at Wnipahu. No one vu