Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 209, 5 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That it is not very d : gnilied or uaual for a minister"of the Crown to fight with his fists; but man i« human after all, even ii he js a minister of the Crown.

That the and the "Kulleiin," the twin snoozers t are out with letters from Hilo, containing about twenty "quites," and the information that the Hilo peop!e are U quite nicely, thanks."

That" Postmaster Severance refused to issue apostal order payable to us. It is one of the ru!es established for the benefit of the puhlie, at that office, not to transact any business on steamer days. On other days Mr. Severance is not in the office as a rule, so it is noteasv to get a money order at that village. If tliere is not an improvcnient in the service there, we shall soon be forced to conclude that we have been deceived in the Postmaster General. —

Tbat a gentleinan of the Survey Department has spcnt five years in Kona and has not iinished yet. In the nieantime he supervised the manufacture of f> eolleelion of Hawaiian antiquitieē, whieh he so!d to the Bishop Museum for four thousand dollars.

That a gentieman in same Office says that the revolution eannot be put off any later than Saturday. —

That we saved the present minnistry by aroiJsing their friends to make exertions to forestaU the scheme for a new cabinet. We will give them further cause by sayii;g we don't think them oi;t of danger vet.

Th-'»t the mimsters in conv€ntion last year were eaeh presented with long gray coats, by Mr. Wat; rhōuse, and this year with the white stifF hats th;\t the mi!iistcr.-5 wcar as a badge this year. Rev. I)esha of Ililo, niovt'd to tlr:uk ?Ir. Water honse for his contril)iitioiis of cloth-

ing. Thc motioned was opposed hy Mr. Kauealii who said that lie did not valu« the antiquated styles and shoi> worn *took of Mr. Waterhouse: and th;it he preferred to v»rovide his o\vn wardrube and rese?ve his thanks.

That the ~A dvertiser'' coiiieso\it strong in favor of the theorv of evolution. Tnis is a great change in that organ's relig;on. The paper is not developing into anything. So it is a misjtake we suppose; the editur did not get in his work. That the dredging of tlie harbor has stopped fur «rant of fundsj and everything elsc hus blopped for want of ministerial brains and energy. Even the Kinanee D«partnient has stopped t he sale of bonds" at less than their cush value. 1 That SherifT Hituheock has been rcarranging his deputies; he evidently feels very secure in his position as autocrat of Hawaii—lt aiay he; but we shall not on that aeeouni eease to give to the puhlie sketches of his reign. . That the Attornoy (ieneral has i returned. Wo wonUl iike to know wliy that gentjlo*nan left Iler Mnjes. ty befbre her jreturn, fs it that 80 largo a inan was diBplaeed by the Mai shal, or )iaB he beiHi in« s«lted by a to resign■ ?• »

That the kt A(lvertiser , ' savg t!iore was a cornerston6 livid W*>dnesday. % It takes six columns to do th« sub* jectjustice. We have ]ooked over the but regret. that we ean raake no favorāble comment. It is our principle to-speak itt-of no one; if we cannot say somcthing good, we find itbetter to proserve si!cnce. That two of the "nulloian" Btafif ! are on tne detective foroe, We j hav(r l»eretofore <?xp!ained how the ! secret service fund is usfjd to penf aioii off deserving adherents. Though it is onlv a report the assumption would explaiu some very n»ysteriou3 moves 011 the part of a journal. —• That sixty two menibers are now enrolled in the rifle association. A new eleeilon of othcers occupied the whole evening. A report was circulated that the whole crowd was t« be arrested, but about thirty members took the chances, by attending. That.the Excellent Samuel has heen disciplining his kinsmen who heneme too obstreperous for public office. He is di*fferent from Minister Spencer. That gent!enian fonnd a plaee for his nephew as inspectorof immigranls instantaneously. He did it. anu it may be the last act of his reign; he has done since. ——— That ihe road they offer Wilcox had only $3000 appropriated for it and the sui veying work is already done by some one else. The most cxpert thi*-f in the reform party could nolr make $1000 out of it and an honest man not $500. It is not a big thing. It pays better to be a traitor or a detective. That the firms3 who lost by the gross negligenc-e of the govern»nent that resulted in the bupning of the ī\fivisene Warehouse» should sne jfor dama2 They ean recover if the law works as it is expecte<t" to do. — v — That twenty-five soldiert> and a varning wvre sent to the QLieen bv the Mokolii. T'iat Tdinister Bpencer c:trved tXvelve hnndred nerer> out of t'ie p T .antation of Duvies & Co., at Laupahoehoe, for homesteads, The Cotnpany had been paying a rent lof about twenty-five eents an acre |They n«w thrcaten to ruin the country by going out of biuūness.

That the Marsbal of the kingdom returried last Wedn*»sday night. That the U. is negotiating a treaty with Mexico. We will be a hapDy fAin : ly, as it is called in the menagerie. ——— Thatthe head of a department andacierk are bouud by &'douicstic reciprocity treaty whioh works oq a small scale like that vnth the U. one way at least. That the chief officers of the present ad:ainistration do represent any i>olitical party or principle, nor do they represent or carry outthe Queen*s wisheBorprinciples« But they do represent their own selfish selves is qaiet evident. and in the fact th«t they have Bold the Queen in her expectation& thkt they wouUl prove «ud valuable ! pubi:c servants. That this Cahinet h&s pr.»ved recreant not onlv to party pledges and liberal prmc:p!es i>ut a!so t<> that whieh is univprsallv estremed—-honor ar.d indopendenee. They ha*e bmi faitbless to the Logisiature »nd to Uie Exeoutive. More eapeeiulh* is this so with the Minister ( who wa» e!ecteil a six year Xoble bv tlw Natioual P*Hy. We iorbear think any f\irther or $ay at\y iu«»re of sach a person, at preeent, for® pity sake.