Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 220, 22 June 1891 — TOO MUCH POLITICS IN HAWAII. [ARTICLE]


<4 .Like Bancho's ghost we just appear upon the eeene onee more to eeho the sentiinent of the 4 Bulletin' man, with tbe big heael, tbat "there'stoo mueh politics in Hawaii." and why we want to iake a rest is to give the "Bullet,in" a ehanee to get off tttat three rail fence of religion, rum and marriages and write some more inspiriting articles about Too mueh politics in Hawaii," as we have been at the weary task of hunting through the "Bulletin" pages for tbe past four months, and all that is there about politics is 4 * there is too mueh politics in and when we eome out of our cave abolīt four months before election time, we shall expect to find the ü ßulletin" 44 rasseling " with a plethora of politics and still on the three rail fence. As for old granny on Merchant street, of course she had, —true to her cur instincts —to yelsn at the Lion retiring for a rest. But au rev<rir, granny, we will keep up the fun about the " incubus" later. We saw tbe "politieal agitator and adventurer," and he was eonsiderably broken up, as he expected the Bulletin" inan would support hiui for the Secretaryship of t!ie Y. M. C. A., but " too mueh politics in Hawaii" is a live iheme for the disappointed insp<>ctor of >iinds, morals and mortar. Take a rest thou muchly kicked pair of battered apologies ! ! We hear of another suit fbr damages, for $25,0(K). This suit, is instituted by a Philistine widow* against one of the elect.