Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 285, 22 September 1891 — The Paradise of the Pacific OR The Devil's Kuleana. [ARTICLE]

The Paradise of the Pacific OR The Devil's Kuleana.

(Continued by Unele Beke.) 4: Weil," said Nvama laughing. '• it seems io ine' "jiist what he deserved, and I am greatly obliged toyou. I must say I am surprised at you £lrengtli." 1 "1; takes so:ne muscle io rv;n aj )uantat:oQ. ;r remarked Rowe smil-1 ing grimly. "But you have to be | very careful of those fellows, they j will do thing, an'd their | boss will back them in it, too. The j plaiita£:dn is ,the ooiy thing they ' are afraid otV' Here *he officer appeared in the door,:his' fa.ee i was bleading and hi« clo:hes covered with inud. He was holding his coat open and pointing to his badge. ;fc Me polieeman, 1 arresi you 4 " he said " You do, you do," said Rowe, striding toward him. ' ' : — ■ He disappeared from the door and was on his horse and making for town when Nyan:a got to the door. ■ Rowe returned and brought out a chair from thē office and sat it down by Faza. k 'Sit down, ! ' he said. ■. ■ ■■ : 1 ■ <% You have a preUy 3ittle girl, this," said he to Nyama. tl Does she speak English too t n <l No," said Nyama, "shehas. never been away from home before." "Well,'M am sorry for you here. She is as pretty as a eoll, and about as big. That dress does not he? very well; iī. wt)uld hold a dozer snch. Have you had breakfast? • k Yes? p ■ 4 Then I m\isi go to work. We work nignt and day in Hard■row," and hs N disappeared in the office the door of whieh oi>ened behind the oounter. Inside of itthey could eatch ghmpses of desks and huge books and big iron safes. Nyama on a box and Faza on the chair sat and looked at the e'oek inside on the shelf fot a long time. When it was near noon a yoūng man eame into the store. A little peaked cloth eap was drawn over his blue eyes, but afforded no protection to h:s slightlv aquelino nose | whieh showed signs of the sun's action. llis red beard was trimmed olosttly to* a point at the ehin, in the Chnstofo Coluyibo style, and his whole faoe remmded one of the portrait. of the discowror of America. He wofe a Aaniel coat with broad stripes of the more brilliant dyes. A startling tie of sky-blue silk adorned the collar of his sofl whiie silk phii-i, anu a widehand oi !2ut?risl hiā der wa:st Trousers of dark cloth tucked into high top pleted his make i:p. Ho eume saundering into ihe rooiu, his head up, and snapping a smsll riding whip against his boot with an air of loftjr indififereoce. He epied Fa«a and oame up witbfn

a' yard of her cbair, and feet well apart loake'i ®te&t!sly at"4 ' - „ ' : * ■ '■' '■■ lier.: After a ininule of observat:otk he fccgan to famble and seaTejhf bis pockets. A proloEged exploratioar. pro<3uced a pair 01 e}*e-gla3seB, whieh he' ]>rocee(ied lo adjust«n h?8 nose. He thea insp<icted the girl at h;s ]eisare soft!y and absent as if werfc : sludying sonic"rcniarkahlē~~work ōf [*art. I . ( Tobe ContiK«c-:I)i