Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 286, 23 September 1891 — Uncharitable. [ARTICLE]


Tbat P. C. Admrti%er* a paper owoed and conducted. by men professuig to love God witl* all ,their hearts and their nes|hbdraB them«elves, would do well to read the • BvUetin'B editorial of the 19th. To zoake such criticisms as tßte P. C. :Advertiser did, of a man in his mis*&rtcneß, is an outrage, knowing the bereavment he has(sustained in *the loss of a wife and tjro children, "within a sbort period of one an--other, only a few months past We liaveitfrom good authority, that poor Dan, within the past three,or lbur weeks, hae beea a midnight Mourser at hii wife and children's grave acting as did one of his brother-editor's under nearly the samesad circumstances. Such uncalled £or and bitter remarks from the missionary. organ about an opponent in polities, after he bas becoßae ill, to say ihe least> is unworthy professing ChristiaD6.