Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 335, 1 December 1891 — A Governor in Review. [ARTICLE]

A Governor in Review.

Tlk> troops, asiiear as we could & c m' rtain. were oat on the 28th of ĪS mbor» to review the now Oov-1 ej. .f Oahu, After considerable m.:i .inrj about the city the Govis discovered at Palaee , iressed as Oollector Genera! of Customs. It is very evidenf lh tt :ilthough the bonnie Pnnee ]i.is en to Ēuropē, he hae not been ahle to learn the duties that pertain to .rovalty, and this is all the more sr: .:, ing as the Governor is anxi- ..-.y waiting tlie uncertainty af tojng a prospective power behind the throne. The lite long habits at the counter are no doubt hard to overcome, and if ihe GeneraT probably had his Way; he would prefer to don a x>icturesqiie highLinei corhime, and on same bleak pipe the pibrock that would i eall up his highhmd ccmntrymen fr.»n behind rocks and than to play review officers to a handful of toy soldiers in a swelteriag sun. Poor Prince, he feels already, the prospective burdens of helmets» ou his albaster brow. the weight of ep<iulets on his dro©ping shoUlders, and the weightier sword of State, wliieh. as the whole picture looms up īii his mmds eye, him feel nll the more anxious to please the whima of his future detpocratic i *•'( republican subjects, the Bush's h u i Wilcox's, and for thāt reason ; ppears though a Prince, only in i.ie garb of a Romān citizen, leavthe clowftish i>art of the buslto his son and others who prefer the tinsel of office, The troops did very well, howr, under the handlmg of au Sed«Bceudaiit of a fino old EngliBh gentlem«n.