Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 348, 18 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the plc[ce huuiaiaan is a half 6entuiy top late to obtam : BhQW, } bee£U »e arf> pigeo9 h6led m a nioUi nor nistj nor p)ace hunteri ean obtaiiva eh ;>w at them. Tkt tJ. AākdowL has set th CBsilē\A an oproar 4 and all tb arerallyiftK arouiia to dc iend Sir ; —: r; That Jlr- J. L. Kaalukou wat bear.d to say a,fter heari»g Mf.o. W. Asdford'B ;iddress befor& thc national Liheial Leagufc, that i would kill the twa Natioual Liberal *98ociations tliat have advancec the onJv p]atform of t>rinciplee that ha« been advanc ed thu« of merlt ''and whieh has universal appr>val. That sinoe tlie little major has threatened to withdraw hi£ ae* count from Bii*hop <fc Co. that in--BtitQtiSn ought to quake. ['■ . [ That E. C. Macfarlane writes foi I the Elele and i n the confidence oi | the plasterer atid his pals in C. O | Berger's oflice. i ! -;,. —— I That the little major is opposiug j tho: Nationq) Pirtr on Maui*—with all lus mi«ht, ind that is mighty little. That Hen ry is not only German, hut is postcd on and eān give th§ ean-ean a la Francais or in Varmane mein himmel! Vah ! Yah! auiong high ofllicial ip on bhe increase, whieh ie another arguraent in favor of the electiono?higli govōrument offieers. Thj\t in the Mechanics Ohion stuck out in a pair •f clod hoppon»

»)i i r .i.,. .1. u - j ; * TbikfHthe Privy Coundl ta-mojrow at 2 p.m. That onr t4 |>ubtican frlend and ' Hslnner" is excasable'in betrayiog | his friend "Abe." siuce it was not i long ago that he> was rtmning witb f the goats in thē eatr*paign of 1890. Thatthe faliability of any homan bemg, man or wonian. gubject or a vi«tage of anee. and ia recogpised or bolstered up by no oee exeept a toady. Bulletin pleaee copy. That the Ēxecative €ommittee of the Meeliank» Union was prac- , tising the "tug of-w«r" last evening, havingfor a rope to the "(ieelaealioim of prīncipies ,r of theXiberal Keform Leagae. That the dependent protege sou-in-law who accidentally got honorab!e to hig name, contemptuouBly asks his pala, what do those miserable Mechanics want ? Vat yu dink iiow shentilmen's of dat Mt» ehaniea' - Thatrtbpse,whose pervarted tastes fread'thQm ,to love swine, wiil well to &psty for t,his four-footed Bcayenger a.t the &apahulu Kaneh where the anlmals are pro perly fed and eleaiily housed. How hardit mūst be to a domesticated animal to give up his life and have his carcaBß done 'up as food, for his higster brethren m the eoeial *Bcale, and yet we demur;fco being eat up ourselves ky those who prefer hnnmn carcas6es. ■; ■- wpMMfc anipvj»tßNT£ thoK>agii 0f ; aml watef-WoHi®j lwt '• . 1