Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 350, 22 December 1891 — [Illegible] Nominations. [ARTICLE]

[Illegible] Nominations.

ie jioniinations inade at the c". Vi ence at Rev. Win. 11. Rice's ref*idence, Lihue, Kauai, are: For Nohle, August Drier, owner of the K; le Plantation. For Repre6ent . iveJV. O, SmUh for Lihue: A. W ilcox for Hanalei; Apu&i I for W;; i m.ea. These eandidates repre»ent the plantation interests. Tfae people have yet to be heard from. Reports gi ves the name of Ikaaka for Hanalēi; W. A. Kiha Mika for Lihue; J. Holi for Wai-