Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — The Minister of Finance. [ARTICLE]

The Minister of Finance.

A cll>imx tothe bliimlerinjs oinw ofthe pre*6nt i« tiie iv*|>j>ointinent of Mr. Wideraat«n to th" Fmanro Office. With all tli« geivtl**uif>uB intliviJu»l idi >r*yr»cracies we lihv« nothing to do. but ! hit 6kithlensne4B t-> tbe poliiieul uarty, th»t oiiw honored hltu with their voU'S. lihh l»*t to him fidence, |x>pul»ritv ai»d ealeem of ; thf large n»arjurity «f voUrs who w*»reonce the natioi»al Refonn Party b\ii now constitute the Libera| Party. When u nian i» carried into office. a« Mr. Widem«nn wm' : not by virtue of hiH o« n po|»ularity but nuon the ahbulderfl ot « popular moAement it ia. not io day the , wor»t, in v»*ry bad form for him to dehbraU»ly turn tail on hia ft»rmer j |»tron» and plaee hima*lf in a hoētile attitude to the.ii. PoliUeiana have hard nan»e§ far such conduct j Tbe Liberal Partv ean oqly regard Mr. W 'a a>pointiuent a aa deliant •lap in the face. lt will bowevar weaken rather tben Btrength«n the Cabinetai;(l render n.ore imp*rative the neceeeity fur their speedy removal «ipon ihe o|)eniiig of the («egislatiife.