Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 384, 8 February 1892 — Boss Bowler. [ARTICLE]

Boss Bowler.

The lVc-s i« d;iily <-nt hange biiiAki»>g a g*x*l ngar w?th hi* hau<U in Ul* ]HK»k« t-, an«t rfceivinc «ongraialation* Jor h> >»ut'CPēsful mauipalation ofrHoriii vo*«m. Ilis troiij>c of 5 T,imnvany Xoble» <iaily Mui!»' a t theuig*ive« through the ijrr r oi'- ' if tho ■'.i'ul l līioii-