Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 384, 8 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PEISOIPLE 07 GOVBBSMENT AKD eonemmow. 1. We daam| tnat all Gov*rnment •hooki be foimded oo the priadplaa of Überty* Btoa tity aad Fratapalty ; w® bold tbataU man an» bera freeaadeqoal bete* thelaw land are <mdftwod wtth h»alienabte rigbke totlfa, teKberty, to p«operH>. to the pweoit ef happiaem aodto eefrprotpetion aga!aat arMtmry ofQoentratioa of power, ineeponalhl» wealth, aad anfaireompetit£en. Webe Heve tbat )net goverameat axiets enly by the eoneßotof the People. and that, when it heeomee neemeary tor the pnb> 'M weiiam, they may abolieh «Mag iorm* aod«eUMish moreadTant«ceoofl andeq<iHahSesyetem; and, aathe pve•«itOenetJtotk»oltbeH»wmlianKiflr 1 ēom aefer haa bUd theapprafal elAa Peeple, tet wae eetabttaded br 1 daHen and fmod «or the hfneit ef a [ adop4laa el a «eyairf STSL^ai>rtlm« im>cnnnnx9< o» waMwn»! r i ~ • i niiiiiiin • rigbM«rf pmiu apWMa «tth» w> >' >tw , liini ii ii •M wmUI *»#• NM 'lMii «< iMki, i MH» >: , "" U JOT*OU*T UKMUM ( and prempt ailwlnilratfan e< all aM«avian ee paHan apliH, «ad t» ienler the Jodgw mpre d*reetty n» peneihle lo tha POople; and we am ia flatoref ameaa liheml iatgrpieUtion ol donßtitatlonal gearanto«e oftbe (medobi of opeeeh and the|p«em. _ MONOPOUE» V Weahall eaeoer eflorte to obtaia lawe by whieh all fa¥Ofitlam ia thejpv mn*m% aad ail monopeHee, tnwti aml privilcg«, to ppiwial daaa ihß h

andtttui4rtorY natiiti*. * iH T HIJC SBKVAXT«». rt. Hrtt<«r U*M»B!ioul<t ixvnl*t«4)Xi Ch . vil The )»rin<*iple oi t)» lion of oflU*erc of th«t gnv*i?ißtent Vf tlie peos>te mUouUI b? e*t4tbtighed, aod ®o nmn *h<>uid 1» (Mlowed to hu)d more th«n one uttief of i*rofit, u it()st «alBfk<i «UouKl be A*W|UMr for .<| th« l«»de«ed. Al! exeBMsiv« '**> lsrl#« «houkl be r«dur«d Md nll «im» cur«« or «upeHhuMM «Aoe« abo2bhed-. PEUTKCTIOH TO HOME ISDUKTIUKS ' 7. We nre ia i»vor of eMoangiof All hon» afrwoltare and i»da*trt«B, aedati 6or ?rodocte, like rk» t eofbe t wool. tojbacco t aie. £wmld' be prot«6led aod feetered by pfop*r tariff ref«}stlo»; and aleo U mu«i be tha ii«tf «lthe Oormeni, in its roatracta and otbfr a^w ' tiona, to yive prafarance to na&mal pro» dnHc imnorted oaa«. LOCAL SKLF-QOVKKKMEKT 8. Wo deeire a moee ttbera! pelk/ lowarde the differ#nt lelanek ol tbe Siitgdotn. outside ot Oahn; ther «lioaki receiv« afairer proportion «I tho ptiAto Bo««r» fer tb« dov<f)lop««iento( th«lr n» eonrcee and the eatiefiactirn <d tbair wante. in fact. th«. pHnHple «I leeal, Beii-govwnmont b« «rte»d«d» wh«reby givinglocalitiBamy cboo«e tbo bmm% import«Bt of£li«irtoeai offio«n t a»d tevy taxes lor th«purpeee . FEOTECTIO!S TOTHS LA9OUBHKG

CLASB£S -9. We «b»n «4ova» *tl M9MM temdiag to tbe ccJKa*fa»«f tte wrirl limnlii»iii. anil i ii«iiui>rmlf r wlHi o*ttoimtatt,ny ri&S*, *m i nlumUi 1b w Iw j»muml ilt fi»lli<l lm 4 iMi <Br wh»e kbw. We M tfM r ia U» iatere* ef tli* beHor «I \bt poor, a«k more iibeft! «wmapHo» ot thifr pre?ert3r lrom lotcri «n « eoiUoa. nd In» aeta»rc U b*akroptey proeeedlng.

BMALL FAEMINO AKD HOMB mAX*L li Th» wolti>y imeilon «i oor pepala» ihsve tM op in s faw hiM» « wndl«d lo i&U tevoritet, iiA msl toNn aad pi*nt*r« kw Im drtaen ctpltsliite: bat oasiß*U £snaNs t0 «e«> iaehw loUie fteUlHr ef tb« «Me, H mm 7 tl*«wß*i*h]p o| «hA <il b»d Mi 0» MttoMt «IMIM oiimmm nf nmr iiineiiil prigfiiliiftnn aml wuniilill yyr!^sri!l' r Iph ÜBQVOMI<miOT. ■iaaa'aeaaw unnnui. «nM»vMißn, cJ!MMMtr* ** Msm «*«?** Md «ton«. V*Mie l«k*.MJnSSr: . KEKiwauiiE 36 ''*