Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 394, 22 February 1892 — WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. [ARTICLE]


- ■ :• ' ■ " ] Todav h ill he cfclebrated the birthday of thi? creat ehampion ol univeraal right. and foe of opprefeion. The principaJ ceiebration of tbe dajr will be kept on ; bjard of tbe U. 8. B. Peneaeola for whieh ooeaeioo invit*t:oii» bave heen ez* tended to a large oooipanv of our townepeoole. Boat« ibr tbe arcommodatioo of the guest» will be in waitiog at tbe landing, Brewer'g Wharf from 1:30 to 2:so p.m., when ihoee iuvited wiil preft&t vigiting cardb to tbe offioerB in charge ' at the wharf.