Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 428, 8 April 1892 — THE "FRIEND" IN POLITICS. [ARTICLE]


The Editor of tbe "FHeod" in the April number laments the prs- - of <4 sentational and injarious. reports" being sent abro«d over the sandbag scare, to "our Jtnaneial injury. n We regret to have to record our belief that we do not know of any correspondenoe in re- ! cc.it times whieh ia saturated with more u u'riscrupulous" rnendacity than tbe billiou<? eman.?tionsof the editor of the 4 'Friend." Eecently that iiterary lauip of Fort Btreet Church had an article of his inserted in tho "Review of Reviews," and in so far it professed to inform people ahoui public men and afiairs in Hawaii, it ean only be ch<tracteruod aa a lying production from begianing to en4» The "Jun» ta M of puhlie inen whieh Bereno Bishop informs the British puhlie are looked up to in Hawaii are: L. A. Thurston, B. F Dillingham, and Cecil Bre*fc»

For the our readers who nmy not havS seen this pre- i c!.;us produ<.tion "Reviow oi\ U«v;pw«." we will shortly find si>:tce tr> reprint a part of it. It wili then bcsc«Q that tbe etsay wm *'»t u;» fcr the ourpo«e of helping * !>;nr of finaneiti] jugrglers. "So far orwg.can leam" writes tliis.-VRcverend M ■ ex|K>under of r.-ath "it is tr;ie that \V r ilcox \rants io the Queen and set up a n wiih hiiuself ks a preai< <Ivrit. l»ut tliHt he is total!y lacking \u i:ecct'f>sarv t»upport aml k: .» vs it.*' Thia» if thesiaieoid[ ;♦ •n. . ■ i-st:- *.I \ p wi.th aboutlhe sAm<ii! '.)!■! > .rn>uiHlingj» of "«<» far a» we • arn.*' that hae apin.ared in »*riftid aimo9t rogularlv for ;.*♦SomvlKidy i« for ever being i:drd'*'and "totally lacking in sr;\>.->n M #ttii it nwver occurs to *1 i irifāllibility who innpireß the F* ii iul. tli.it th2:»* peculiir ti. .t:ions uiay becentred in hid>self.[ Bu: itie one thing ne ooght to know; is'.tliat r.s a ChrUtiati h>' \t a' pr »:v goo«i hiter, attd tfnlike the' m.,»;«r of <vhoui he i* won t U> *rite | so g.ih!y —wh«*n he atarU out in se; rnh of an ene.uv he to '.nd one, ntul having fountt a J'.;;»ta of theni he hug* them to the_ |eiui «md never iighta up mi thero \in* -rt Vr 9ecHlorH iu Amen. "