Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 428, 8 April 1892 — The New Fleet Getting Ready For Action. [ARTICLE]

The New Fleet Getting Ready For Action.

That the abortion. <'rtl!etl a iirpgder, i« nroving worso thaa a 6zzie, as tVe «aul. nnd p<?ople wii! bt-gin to believe it. The j DatenU*e of lh<* .Sclimit I)reitger | has been about fift3eii vearē trvingf 'to «Wpen a bo<lv of water at Uaklan<l witft tiie ?am j ineana, and for ftfteen yf*ftrft it has shown itselfa faiiure. Xotwithatanding this fact, <>t:r treaaury has been or will be called upon to pay aay 160.000 to help tne company out of it« pilikia, The only other thing that excels i this h Bowler s except _ that ; we ean rewon«»bly hopeto be free in Jn|pr«« froin the latt#r. while there is ; i»» • wh**r<'thisfloating novide* :i<>t will jaad ue. Unlm it it iinnUe a «ource of war with tbe ■V uited Butes. en thtt we eao anoex h"r. we will never li)zfive Mahope , tie ditcred:t he bw done tbis :con;fiiuuity. No prosperity wiil follow a man that wiU allow r»«rti trn ineuhu» tn atU»hed :to a Hi:t»;ittg r?at:on,—it it Hke a mill *u>:;e titii to aeov«rt%ftt noek.