Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 25, 31 January 1891 — COFFEE. [ARTICLE]


We are pleaaed to know from inatij aouiee», tbat there is a growing desire amongst men of amall and inoderate zneanB to go into the raising of coffee. Tbe difficnity witb mauy, ia to got Buitable land near to wbero tliev aro at present enguged in work or biisinesa, and to get it at- a reasonably price (either by buying out right or on leaae) from those who o\vu or eoiitrol it. We are satisfied thatthere is no inveetnjent on these i,slands that| will give as large r«tarus as coffee| raising, whether on a smal) scale o?| a large one, and it is to tha int<>rest of all holders of coffee lands to!!».•? tlie puhlie kuow wheve thc, are at what priee per acre th.v ean bought or loased for. The:ie island r . ! nre jnst as weil suitēd for cofFoe i;s ! for sug ;i r, every gulch, ravine, aiiu| valley in the Kingdom will grow it toj perfection, and there are li>rgo urēi;.\j of ttb!o huul ou every isla:id as we'.l' udapted the valK'ys, and they on!_s | want to be known and thrown open iosmall investors at reasousbly price> to be spoedily t;iken up. To tlie small investor, the retarniī will t>e tnore than to the large plantor, becanse a m«n with a faiui}y c:u\ utilize the labor of his ehihUen in tlie picking and the cleaniug t>f the cotFt»e, and ean withoui tho expendit«ro of one doli:tr foi eultivHt« and tufco care of tou acre« of cufiV<whieh should yield, aftei the trees are three years old, a profit of at l«ast threo hundred dollars per acro per annum. Sugar will not give these returns, and BVigar unl;ko eofFee, roquiroB expensive mael-īnen whieh iio one ean affoid t• <, but ur;loss thov have «bout o»o i tons sugar to fckko off. Th«n> is » bo<nnj in ooffee af prescnt, an l ne hope ii\ roay continuo uutil thmv a ton t!,on sand en|raged iu phi:iting s wliou v, " ««holl st>e <!iat tho \ahio u' eXj-u:j ' o! c*»f!oe will oxooo<l our * xpoi ts oi:i Hugnr. j