Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 15, 14 April 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

WtĒ rilt^raphīc.

Sior>''. iowa, telegrap><e<i fo OongresH firm, that tīie northwest \vou!<i stand — Mr. Fcj-send«in s(ated that he ■ki 'a t!i Congrev» ngainst the Presiclent',s U cnuse he did not iike itfj c!o?irtc por||K whieh s.taUd thot Congress hi»d no HBt *o nx a Stntc \rhich was uoi repre."»enSeward refuscs to the as rebel, <ledaring that it anvthing ehe than the British ■ Ski Kuiu'. — Sh»'rmnn of Ohio, a sp?ech defending thō Pfesidefct's un<( uriiinsr cor»ciliation.—As to Mr, .«peeeh, however, he said th'/rc was lo' the Presi3ent whq would be t6 \vipe it out of history.—U was to runoeive a moru humiliatjng ihau the President of the Unrted |K ttddrossirig stich a crowd.~Th? Presi1> P |)orted as U»injEr nfmid of a?.sassimi. -I§€^ — A i.irge publu* iueeting in Chicago, hv c;nv. I3ro«s and others, took }. r r<<'jnd in support of ti>e radicai meas'?wm oi Co!igre.^.—Gen. Orant has been wiih a purso ot 8100.0U0 by A. 7. ||SH£p;>rt :»nd ojht>rs. t>f New York ; 030,000 rt r e the his Washrngton Marrfhal Forey hos said in the HKeli Sennte that tbe French troopa eouKl r-calkd from M.exico at onee, and reinfor r '.ements be seot out.-r--r^Pfcr! i, is h'-en p ; irsed throug*h the Engīi#h 1 ';irl:•!rn' , nt si3sp"ndiiiLf the fuibeas Corpus aelHi i• ' —Tlie C;iptain-Creneral ot Cuh.i hM.r« k d ord»:rs to seut 75,000 trfMip.s J to »I(i.■'S;>u?i n:'<iin«! Chile.—The Fonians in Am :rv arv Ljre.itly- e.\citp<l over the niiw? «! ; Mi>p"n"-!on of the h»heis corpus 1-. kkl.—Mr. Seward, in hy )ate visit \\ <"•( lndi;t !s|nnds, selecf^/J.a habor ' T}iofnns n$ n nnvn 1 rrndezvous, lii uill h - of immense imponanee to u.s iii war with a foreign nation.—The 1 111p!ted iine of opposition sicamers from V«»rk to Snn Francuco tias been svith- ... —Tlit- New York Time.s says the ,{• • 111 i.H f\»lly sustained by the. people, :hat t'nere will he no disrupfion.—Mrs. ,)ln hns iuvested her 522,000, voted to y Congrcss iu o-20 bonds.—Some clerks ln'i'ii lutely rouioved from some of the fttfsflßriMteu(.s in \Vnshington for using lan-di.-resp«'ctlul to the Presideut; among Iheni .laue Swishelm.—The Mmnesota «tfcgi«htiire sustnin Congress as against the Pfs§idrnt's veto. —A lurge of meh;»s iiuely heen held ie New Vork the eight-hour iaovement Seuator *'Oooiī'••••' spoke in \eiv Haveu sustaiuing l'i. id"nt's policy.—An enthuj>iastic : was held iu Bultimore (?) to sustain 4hc> |" 'Mol' Con«res.s.—Clov. Audrew nnd h tve jioti(i(iued Congres.s to uholish . th® pi'* nt >y»'»oin ot electing a Pret:ident ' chrou/fi .«II K'iectoral CoNege, and advisea \ •■ to •>: tho peopie. • \ iiiMnia Legislature has adjourned. Qreit: :•!<•!' • ■"M < <>t iovaitv \vere u»ade.— Tbe tives of the Tennessee Legislatttl® a l -etit fhems»>lves f*rom the Cnpifol aiul therc !'io(-k fhe wheeh of legislntion. Jt on • ' "tn»t ol the progr.unme whieh the (fUl|c 11- j>roj>t>se ti> carry out. Gov. BrowuioW l> i- d a proelamatiou for an eleeeion to" fiU \.ioanvies. — C«en. Clraut ! s eldest son has '•!-: eutoro\l \Vest Poiut,—Creu. Seott fell (• >:u hi< !>orth ou the tnp from Key W«st f > Nuw Orlea»s, and \vas somowhat Smtirotl. hut i> re •overing.—Congre>s allows )®Bl t ! ira*l3.irton 515,000 for her !»ervices tor inissmg soldiers.-~William late Private Secretary to the nt. is dea\l. —S|Kinish aud C'hileatt !t.ive hoeu lorbidtlen our ports. —It is 9 t<- - i thai ihe Tennes.see members of Odfl£! wi!i ohiaiii their seats very soon, ue,inou-e gathering of Fenians, num|>ersous, had assembled at \\dod. New Vork, for holtday parlt is declan\i that a million of men *re ro.'.dv to tnove (\vhere ?} for the bK?nitiou when the orders for mafehing are wcei\•.... —lt is. siiid that tho Presideut wi!l t ī ro>oitnton of Congress \vith reference tftth • admivMon of the Tennessce members. irt > t!iat he will not sigti uway his «Wn •i::.on-hip. The members- elect frorn not anr*e with the in h \:ow>. The onginat Utiiou men of 'o ,ire iu Jiower then', «nd they are ,4ij|ro.v.iod to keop it, excluding all traitors, t:'..»so pardoucd by the Prestdent.—A to i!k-reaso the uational bmking eapM lOO.tHM).000 \vas voted do\vn by a vote fl| ; > 17 — (»arrett Davis. of Mho foolish spi»<vh ndvisin£ the t > resident lo i ■ witii the South aud those of the N#tn wi.o will ioia. aud se.t up ;uiother Con,'jgos '.m Washincton. —A bill permitting an ««W'n/round mi!txwd in Broadwav will un<§Mlh:'.:iv pass iho Lej?is}nrure of N*ew York. Pounsylvania O.muoohik, in eouneil, ell||t>v<od Ptvsjdent Johnson's eooNe.—Gen. Jfip. l\:!lerton. fonnerly on Gen. Ho\vurd's il. atid notoriotts by his brief administra»>t the atTnirs of Freflflineir» Bun>au Louisiuua, has been appointed Privrite rvtnrv to the President, nnd will enter n his duties at onee,—'fh« biil for the. nssion of C\>lorado w up in Coogress. 'he Presidcnt w s«id to oe anrious that elections soon to eome off in Connecticut New Hamphin? be favorable to the

IK'A xn AMB KA LOAA XO XA jtSTA, i1» Iknhiki 1865 i Imla aku no», ua Inu-e ia'ku' i\ kn hnle lel» aku ma Nu /okn> heiwaka- \ kumuuuilima tnilioa« pah\pa.|ii. O kti nui in ilala i ioau mnv no na poo leta a tne na l:»pn!a, hookahi luiiionn, ehiku hnnen i\rulua kufnairial%sthi tausani. elima haner» n«on« : kumahiniwn» me kanaha keneta. >loko maio na j£thu i ho4ifiiia mai n ; kekuhī tuuu inea e ae, he kanaHma kuunahiku taosani aoi aku. Oka lilo oke ■ j>uni ;iip na > \ < tutp£ Jie j >59.791 . "75. Oke koeua aku ike aupuni, *J.. r i06.n4.».