Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 6, 6 February 1869 — Illustrative of the new school law. [ARTICLE]

Illustrative of the new school law.

Mt. £ditok : i »-d«y ?isited a governmcnt schooi in our ditt(ict taught by a. lr»en<i of inine, a nalue v>f at le«st ihe avcr&ge ability ol Hawaiian Uoreraracnt scbooi leaehew. epeeiai errand was to vaccinatc the v hikireo «t the nequest of ihe parcnts. Theic were present seventeen schoiars. The tescher remarked that, on opening hi? «( the beginning of the uionth he had more tchoUrs, but he had expelied two u he ic«r»«d tfeat (hey had moved into his ptn ol the 6eid (nm a dūtaoce, with their They btd (ormerly attended $chool oise. «rbere andi ao pemiu in self-defense heh*d («>nicd them away th«ugh they weie iiving tux nuics frotu any other school housc. A lfcini wheua he stiH had in sehoot he fearcd U*fet lo tßwp: But a fonnh t » Utt!e girl of abo«t fi«j «ain(Arrs lieeaui l»omigtit ven!iirp w leaeh «rt«feaut peraiit, even (hough she had leaxaod her lettcrs, or a pwt of ihem, at

a government schooi thirty miles distant. a? be might, he thooght, cons»der himse!f esber i first teacfier. The pcrplexity of this poor man wa? ver\considerable. Here io a school of !ess tban twenty, he had met with four chiSdrcn who ( in justice shou!d have beea hts schofars, bot | whom he cou!d not teach, except in cootraventton of the new scbool lawthatbasattracted your attention. Writtenapplicationsfrom the parents, aod written permits from former teacheß, wou!d have openned the way, but neither parents, or teacher. had thought of attemptmg that journey tothecircumlocation ] office. Yours truly, | Jan, 26th, 1569. Vacci>atok.