Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 3, 1 April 1984 — Political Warriors [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Political Warriors

By Walter Ritte Trustee, Moloka'i

The solution to 90 percent of our problem is politics. If we Hawaiians become the new wave in politics, we must bring our style with us. Because we have such strong ties to these islands, we Hawaiians have the greatest potential to fill the void of the fading unions. Our cultural ties of ohana will help rebuild thedecaying Democratic party.

Our aloha will allow us to embrace the entire community in political decisions. Aloha aina will insure our future generations the same resources and opportunities we have today to prosper. In order to build our political fish pond, we must all kokua with the pohaku

(stones). We must all do our share. It is a matter of survival we become the new wave. If you are a group of 30 or more people and you would like to kuka kuka with me, just give me a eall at 553-361 1, collect. Let me remind you to piek up your spears and:

• Register to vote — and don't forget to vote. • Join a Democratic precinct. • Care — work for your future generation. • Communicate — seek information. • Be akamai — vote for those who support Hawaiian issues. • Vote, no matter what!