Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 1, 1 January 1988 — Facts and Figures [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Facts and Figures

By Gordon Frazier 4

Longer Life Expectancy

A hundred years ago, the average life span of Hawaiians was less than 20 years, mostly because so many babies died. Back then, a third of all babies died in their first year. Health care has shown great progress in the last century and the death rate for babies has dropped from 37 percent then to one percent today.

By 1910, the average life expectancy for Hawaiians was 33 years. Only half of all Hawaiians lived longer than 33 years in those days. Since so, many Hawaiians died at an early age in 1910, those who did not die young could expect to live a relatively long life. For example, those who lived to the age of 45 could expect to survive another 18 years to the age of 63 and those who celebrated their 65th birthday usually lived nine more years. Today, Hawaiians ean expect to live nearly twice as long as their ancestors did in 1910. As shown in the graph, the average life expectancy for Hawaiians born in 1980 is 71 for men and 76 for women. Today, the average 45-year-old ean expect to live 32 more years to the age of 77 and the average 65-year-old ean expect to live another 17 years.

From another point of view, as shown in the graph titled "Percent Dying at Eaeh Age in 1980", it is mueh safer to live now, especially for young people. The first year of life is fairly dangerous, one in a hundred babies die. However, on the bright side, this also means that 99 percent of babies live, usually for many years.

After the first five years, the chances of dying are mueh less that one percent eaeh year until age five when the death rate begins to rise. Among 70-year-olds, three percent of this age group dies eaeh year; yet at the age of 70, 97% ean expect to live many more years. And, older people today are mueh healthier and more eapable than in earlier years. And, older people today are mueh healthier and more capable than in earlier years. Even at age 100, most people ean expect to live at least one more year. As medical science improves, and cures are developed for cancer and heart disease, Hawaiians ean expect to live even longer lives. By taking care of your health today, you will reap the benefits for many years to eome. Perhaps you will even celebrate your 100th birthday.