Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 March 1988 — Council Recognition Given to Hoʻolokahi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Council Recognition Given to Hoʻolokahi

A resolution from the Council of the City and County of Honolulu recognizing and commending the numerous organizers, participants, volunteers and supporters of the event and mana of Ho'olokahi Hawaiian Unity Day Jan. 23 was presented Feb. 10 to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III. The resolution was presented by Councilman John DeSoto who introduced it at a Council meeting. It notes rhat the Council "joins with all Hawaiians and Hawaiians-at-heart in Ho'alahou— the reawakening of our Hawaiian people through the values of 'Aina (land), Ha'aheo (pride) and Lokahi (unity)." The resolution pays tribute to the "thousands of school teachers, professors, engineers, cafeteria workers and managers, custodians, corporate executives, union members, poliee and security officers, bus drivers, entertainers and dancers who joined to create an event, the atmosphere and ambience of whieh was so filled with Aloha that it has ieft a great, everlasting impression and hope for the best in our future as a Hawaiian people."

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III and Oouneilman John DeSoto with palapala to OHA for Ho'olokahi Hawaiian Unity Day.