Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 5, 1 May 1998 — KAHALUʻU FISHPOND [ARTICLE]


My eoneem is about Kahalu'u fishpond. Within the past year, Donna Wong, who acquired the fishpond from her father, and her business eolleague Danny Kaleikini asked the neighborhood board to allow commercialism of the fishpond. After the board allowed commercialism, some Japanese investor stepped in the picture and is now controlling this venture of Chapel Brothers. I'd like to know how the Office of Hawaiian Affairs feels about commerciahsm of this old Hawaiian site. I hate to see our Hawaiian sites tum into commercial commodities. This could lead to other ventures that will invade our cultural sites and min our archaeologieal sites. I'm sure there are 1

better ways in whieh the Kahalu'u fishpond could benefit the Hawaiian community, the Kahalu'u community and the State of Hawai'i. ōlennell T. Dano Kane'nhe