Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 6, 1 June 1999 — Comments concerns kudos suggestions [ARTICLE]

Comments concerns kudos suggestions

Kudos "You are doing an excel!entjob! Congratulations!" "You have made tremendous jmprovement and this survey ean only build on that." "You print it even if the article doesn't agree with the pohheal opuiion expressed on the twelfth floor." "Ka Wai Ola o OHA is an excellent source of news about Native Hawanan news. Keep up the great work." "I enjoy receiving Ka Wai Ola o OHA. Keeps me abreast of what's happening in our Hawaiian community. Mahalo plenty." "I appreciate the opportunity to receive OHA newspaper because it provides a view not covered by major papers." "Please eonhnue to educate us about our culture and our homeland." "We have lived in California for 39 years but we consider Hawai'i our home. This paper doesn't stop at our home. It is shared with other famihes who are from Hawai'i. They appreciate reading this paper very mueh." "I am 62 and have spent more than half my life on the mainland. I appreciate your reporting of the issues." "I appreciate Ka Wai Ola from far away (Bremerton, WA.). I sometimes know more about what's going on than my family back in Honolulu!" "Excehent and only source of informahon regarding Hawaiian issues. This pubhcation is vital and essential to ah Hawaiians everywhere." "I like this newspaper just the way it is. It covers everything that I want lo know about." "Excehent impartial, unbiased reporting. Weh written articles. Good editing skihs. Excellent layouts. Mahalo for your attention to detail." "Love 'ohana reunions." "Claire Hughes is tops!" "Being a non-Hawaiian I am very mueh interested in justice for all Native Hawahans. I am fortunate OHA grants me the privilege of monthly editions. The approach to send information to interested non-Hawahans whl prove beneheial. Mahalo!"

Concerns "Difference of opinion is good for any organization but fighting and being nuha so that nothing gets done should not be." "The trustees carry their confhcts in Ka Wai Ola o OHA, making the columns uninteresting and the reader avoid this part of the paper." "How are we ever going to get the trustees to stop wasting their time, energy and money fighting eaeh other?" "There is only one trustee that quotes verses ffom the Bible anel humbles himself. You should ah do that - then there would be no bickering." "I am sick to death of aU the in-fight-ing. finger-pointing and backstabbing going on in trustee columns" 'The trustees columns on the whole are very petty and embarrassing. Why can't the trustees work together for the good of aU Hawaiian people? They should be ashamed of themselves." "Ka Wai Ola o OHA should not be used as a forum to attack other trustees." "I liked the earher headings of Ka Wai Ola o OHA-the coloring was darker green kalo. 1 think the present heading is too Ught to be attractive." "I always get my paper halfway through the month. That is why OHA news is not rehable - it's old news when I get it!" "Why don't aU nine trustees submit columns?" "How are musicians 'picked' for feature columns?" "I don't see a section dedicated to education." Suo;ffl'stioris "Get rid of trustee's comments and give us what 'aehon' is taken by the whole board. Who voted for what? Who introduced what? Where ts the money going? How are 50 percent Hawaiians benefited? So far, your paper is aU I'm getting." "We need way more beneficiary insight." "Would love a section on Hawaiian authors, especially Hawanan fiction." "How about getting Maiion KeUy, UH anthropologist, to do a regular feature?"

"The nutritionist is informative but ī would appreciate some recipes I couid use." "I would appreciate it if the nutrition eolumn were more specific on healthy food preparation." "Housing ownership must be shown through steps to own a home. Employment options need to be focused frequently as education or training acts as mamtenanee." "Has the OHA paper thought of putting the paper on cassette (talking book, e.g.) for the iUiterate or visuaUy handicapped?" "I'm an artist; how ean I meet other Hawanan artists?" "I'd like it if you could plaee a twomonth event calendai' so I ean plan ahead." "I'd like to see articles about Hawaiians or Hawaiian events elsewhere in the world." "Whenever the Hawaiian language is used in an article an English translation should be provided." "How about a Hawaiian history eoiumn?" "More kupuna stories." "More info on assistance for Hawaiians of all ages." "Please promote Hawaiian businesses and services." "I would like to see more letters to the editor/beneficiary voices and input." "If any OHA money is invested there should be more light on what it was invested in." "Devote a page to veterans and armecl forces issues and benefits." "How about a series of articles on the foUowing: Sovereignty, entitlements, the royal trusts, OHA programs, aloha 'āina/mālama 'āina, Hawaiian values?" "Use more graphics and photos." 'Trustees' articles should be cut to 25 words." "I would like more letters to the editor." "I would like to hear what OHA will do to help our pure blooded Hawaiians (kū puna) who should be taken care of first.' "Print names of businesses you assisted

so we ean patronize our Hawaiian merchants." "Please double eheek spelling." "Info on ways we ean get involved without becoming an activist." "More sovereignty issues, Y2K preparation, expand trustees' columns, lower classified rates." "I'd like to see what the Hawaiians are doing to help themselves?" "You could have open discussion on various topics on the net." "I suggest more coverage of sovereignty meetings and legal issues." "List stores on Big Island where I ean use my 10 percent discount." "There is a good deal of 'missionary bashing' again based on opinion rather than facts. There is a noticeable tendency to not hold the past monarchs responsible for their actions. All lessen the vahdity of the articles." 'This news bulletin makes my hands feel dirty because of the paper." "A eolumn by a kahu is a must in every issue and/or quotes from the Bible, King James version!" "List militant activists pertaining to the Hawaiian issues." Whoops "I am a literacy mtor. Some of my students are prisoners. They hke Ka Wai Ola o OHA, but they prefer fishing magazines." "As a haole wife of a Hawaiian, I reahy appreciate Ka Wai Ola o OHA. Though I read it from cover to cover, my husband does not. He is a reahst and feels that the Hawahans must compete in the "haole world," that sovereignty is a step backward and that KWO should address the real present-day issues affecting ah of us! He reads the Pacific Business News." Wow! "All my married hfe I was told: Hawaiians won't have good jobs; Hawauans won't own homes; Hawauans won't own businesses. And because of Ka Wai Ola o OHA, I got rid of him. I was given back my pride as a Hawanan." ■

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