Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 1, 1 January 2001 — Remembering the season [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Remembering the season

AS WE celebrated the birth of Christ and participated in a season of giving, kindness and good wiU to our feUow man, we recognized and gave thanks to our Lord and Savior. It is during the hoUdays that we are reminded more than at any other time of year that He was born in a stable and that He was indeed a gift to all mankind. He Uved a life of humility before He made the ultimate sacrifice and gave His Ufe so that all of

us might live. Eaeh one of us was given new life through His sacrifice. We should remember Him everyday of our lives; eaeh new day should remind us of the gift of His life and of our own. We,at OHA, are at

the dawn of a new day and for this we must also give Him thanks. We must dedicate ourselves as Christ did to give new life to the Hawaiian people whom we serve. With vision, compassion, and commitment, we weleome this new dawn in the year 2001. I take this opportunity to wish aU of you a very safe and prosperous new year. ■
