Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 11, 1 November 2003 — Lingle-Bush visit [ARTICLE]

Lingle-Bush visit

So Republican Governor Lingle met hi'iel'h' with George Bush while Bush transited Hawai'i. Lingle has publicly stated that she supports some form of sovereignty for Hawaiians. She campaigned on the promise to meet with the feds to support a sovereign Hawaiian entity. Don't believe it. What's in it for Lingle? She will lose power over us if we have our own sovereign lands, laws and government. She will lose money. Onee sovereign, many of our people will be subject to our laws. At least Cayetano was up front. We knew he did not like us because he told us so. Lingle is more sneaky than that. She is the wolf in the red sheep's clothing. Do not believe her lies. She has lied to us about prison reform. She is still sending us to mainland jails. If she had a ehanee, she would send all of us to prison on the mainland. Her interest is to take all that we have left. They have been trying to get rid of us for 100 years. Lingle no doubt told Bush in private to tell those Hawaiians to suck an egg. That's the way it has been, and that's the way it is. White supremacist Bush and Lingle want all people of color put away to make room for their friends. Wake up, Hawaiians, we

need to take control of our own destiny and not rely on shibai. Kamuela Kuali'i Lindsey Honolulu