Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 3, 1 March 2022 — CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOTICE: KAHUKU, ISLAND OF O'AHU [ARTICLE]


ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impaet Assessment (CIA) for the eurrent and proposed future aetivities at the Mareoni Point Condominium Property Regime (CPR) in the ahupua'a of Kahuku; Ko'olauloa Distriet; Island of O'ahu, Tax Map Key (TMK) (1) 5-6-003:053. The approximately 96-aere pareel of the Mareoni Point CPR intends to support loeal, agrieultural-based businesses. Loeal farmers and businesses will own or lease spaee at the Mareoni RCA Trade Center for

permitted uses in the agrieultural distriet ineluding, but not limited to, selling, trading, and storing goods. We are seeking eonsultation with eommunity members that have long-standing eultural eonneetions of the Kahuku area and may possess knowledge of traditional eultural uses of the proposed projeet area; or who are involved in any ongoing eultural praetiees within the vieinity of Mareoni Point. If you would like to partieipate in eonsultation, please eontaet Nieole Ishihara (nishihara@asmaffiliates.com); phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Afliliates 507 E. Laniakaula Street, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720.

CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOTICE: MAUNAKEA ISLAND OF HAWAI'I Kaimipono Consulting Services, LLC and Paeihe Consulting Services, Ine., on behalf of the University of Hawai'i, are conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) concerning proposed future University of Hawai' i land authorizations on Maunakea on the Island of Hawai'i. The CIA team is seeking to engage with cultural practitioners who ean advance their understanding of the role of Maunakea in Hawaiian culture and the possible effects of future land authorizations on cultural 1

- practices. Many past studies have documented the significance of Maunakea in Hawaiian culture. Since those studies were published, community interest has increased and a new generation of cultural practitioners have heeome active. One of the goals of the CIA will ' be to determine if there have been changes in cultural practices relating to Maunakea. Another goal is to gauge the possible cultural impacts of the alternatives being considered in the EIS. You are ^ invited to visit the following web- ^ site and let the CIA team know if you would like to participate and ^ share your mana'o. 2 http://www.pcsihawaii.com/ 2 mkeia ■