Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — The French Concert [ARTICLE]

The French Concert

i At the Hojal Hawaiian Tj , heatre, will be a grand j treat.| Look at the proj°pimme. and eee what ! bouquet of oelody is to be presented to us by fchiB admirable amateur All thcee gentle;men who play and ping for amu6ement are, how- | ever, jartiets in their accomplishments. We look | forward with great interest to the perfbrmance of |thos©| young mueieal f the MeLean j brothere. This French C|oneert will be a inost | attraetive entertainment. j There are still a number seafcs to be di6pose4 of in the parquette; a few reserved at two and others afc one dollay. Nqjjj|pe eons!der ,tnese parquefcte seats as the best in the houee| for hearing ; and don't | eoneijler because roughs occujij the will be rough ou this oeeaeion. Quite the the true eounoiieurB will Eeek, the parquette. it is tlie companj that makes the plaee, not the plaee the eonipanyl Allone done, ma ebere amle. Mon āme, h Dieu, mon coeur a A bas la politique ! Vive !la mueique! Yive lj? Ninou ! j | lere PjS|Btie. j No. lj —Hawaiian March, bj the Band .......Coste j No. 2|—Ouverture du Bart(ier de Seville... .Kosfimi | Poikr violon et piane, (M, M. Pernet et Berger.) No. Dec!aratioa de la G4e. Duchesse. .Offeiibach | ! Cbantee par M.j Le Monnjrer. | No, 4f-Laeia di Lammen^oor. 4 , .Poniieiii | j €hantee par ]M. Fenard, ; jNo. s—Mon ame a Dieu, mpn ea?ur a toi...Ciapkson | | Eomaaee chantee par Lieut. HoiT . No. Fantasie sur l'opera Je Manha.. .de Flotow Poiit violon et piano (M. !u. G. MeLean et Ber£er ) | ! Ghaats Ecossais ; i I j Four deux violoxis par les fieres Meleau. • No. Legende de Barbe 1^1eue......... Oileah&eU j | Chantee par M.jLe Monnjer, j j 2EME P^eiul |No. li Marche Xiiompliale duPiX'phece..vexbeer the Band. ND r.:.7 4^ o air de Bēriot I Pow *iolon et piaoo (M. M. rernct et Berser.) No. B—Duo pour coruets X p;stous MeodelsoUa i P" M. M. Kkiua et Kam&k&isk, Ko. 4—l Lomhanli, (,par .M. FeuarJ). Venii iNo. 6—Pastor«le d'Orpheē MiEttfera....Ofleabick t | Ckw»t<s« p*r M. |Le Moonjer. Bellli. •.», • ........ .**** AhsEcos»ispour \jieloupar M. G.McLi*u. No. 7-|-Slecp Well, (par IIoff) No - M&ria (sur !e prŌluJe de Bicb).. Oeuaoā | Nmnmi pour Tioloa, haruiouium a ri*uo I « «l»Ant p*r M. M. i'waei, A.tkinson, i Meanj|cr. No. 9 j-sode Uie ih* Baud 3fJ A HiWmiau frieud \\auisTō~kuew it it not for Uie King to suuid ou & Wc Thk thc duTowuc« b«twcen sUts aud sh4oUu£ «uta? Ihe oih? fut* nuns ; tln> othor 4irtcni,