Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — We Want to Know. [ARTICLE]

We Want to Know.

And a good many otliers wou|d like to know tlie [ tems of the lease of the Governmenfc priuting | office. This matter hae been urranged rather! eloselj. The Minister of the Interior adYertiged | , for tenders to lease a printing establishment, hut. gave no partieulars to guide anj one in the making of a tender. None were made t or rather | liOne weie «A-cceptcdj hnt tlie establishment Wiis | teDjporanlj put into the hands of a triead of the j Mmigter« This friend had ample opportuin'ty to ; esamine hito the estahlkhment atid to see upon what terms a favorable bargain might be arranged, | and he at last gets it into hie own hands upoa hia . own terms 4 This looks likē a riug arrangement, « However> let us have the tqrms with full partieu-' lars, because we do not understand the j printing establishment to be a prirate of I the Minister of the Interior f but is, iu faet,a| propertj*of the people.