Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — The Legislature Won't Vote the Money. [ARTICLE]

The Legislature Won't Vote the Money,

For the salary of absent officials engaged in tlic I kum'wl iuieeion ol' fawily dutj; noi' to euppjy tboi mean» to work an cxpcnsive congrcBsional lobby; u°r (.o i'uniiah the funds to any t-issing diplomat who wanfs to make a, pleasant trip to thc East to bee hiB friond». Thc nitivc anel foreign ]egislators of llawaia woirt-<to tliis, anel \vc Miink they ought not to elo so, Sce vvhat a bill, the thousand' or more lepera will run up. And we ought not to stint on tbat bill. Our reputation for Chris. tian charity, and enlig!itcnmeDt arc at etake in tliis mfttter. The intelligent workl will look on with wondcrment at the decny and abeolute rot-1 ting out of the nativc », \vhik>t in the hands of' » Cliristian and cnlightc«ed Goveniinent, if it be not asBured that every humau agency within the : eompass of tbe nicans of thi« Archipelago has! bcen employed to stay or circumsciibe the pro-| gress of disease. No, we caunot at this timc | vspare iuoncy for any sinccures, or pleasure trips. I We might spaje something asapension for great,! and distiiigui6hed scrvicef; for instance, for somc j wif-e, statcsmanlikc mcasurc tbat had positively 1 advacced the prospcrity of the couutry; for somc ■ beueficient enterprisc that hadgiveu iudcpcudcnce! and eomfort to thousands, but had left the phi-j lanthropic projector poor; for somc \alued work! or iuouunient, or inveutiou to bless aud curich us; i but for eommonplaee, rou(iuary, easy, thongh re- > Hpectablc filling of an oflsce, \ve caunot afford a j peusioni aud" we fccl sure that the Lcgislature! \voirt rotc thc U)oncj.

iwo huiulrcd tl)Ou«niii BovcroiguB wouki | make a plca«uit6]iarklo ihhl n jingle all over lliel land ; and if thoy<cost no more ihan Ibur or fivē! por cont, as we lmvo good roason to beliovo tlicj) woukl not f they woule! he a hlo6sing to tho Mand??.! r rhev ean he got, \ve sineerely bolieve, Now we! are not g<>ing to sdī ourseke« for lkitish gold ; it| d t >e* not want io huv us ; h u fc there is an aeeumu-! fnted wealih among Oeeanie grtmers, with a «mmli: partion of whieh wealth they wou!d he glad to aeeoruīnodate, wiih a ta»r eeeurity* thk eniii] >t ! •i f iie (>et*āijie ».ra< * j