Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — "Human Beings Harnessed Like Cattle" [ARTICLE]

"Human Beings Harnessed Like Cattle"

Ia very likcly a !aot at jthis time iu San TVancisev>, The Al/a of ihe 2t>th of April *ays it w ill have be donc. >* If the hor#e ilitk\iso keeps ui) spreading, iuan jx>wejr will be:required to wove t\ll tuids J of avticles, whether !br eity use or transporlatson 1 to the de{X>ts of the raiWuK " Tbey wil! hāYō ' to 08Uiblbh oiir old hvjkikaikas n>r hulie»? aml elergyinon in Fri*o <o A man t or' a t*pan will <lo vory woll on thelmesof Mont£om~ J wy. Kearney ? mul $t.vkton, but thoy will have to do inoro than vlonhlo te:\ms on tho steep £va*lc* of, l»ut«h, ( aliiomia, an-1 tho liko !,ot tho unhorck>l ! Frisooe*»e eontraot with of tho Xorth Sea' M*ndcrs trainol tothe hakiknka, niid ummj*ratc' eliun , I *