Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Woman Suffrage. [ARTICLE]

Woman Suffrage.

We lravc not an3 r vevy tlecidcd convictic>«B ou tliis subjeet; but we arc of opiniou tbat 'class of women pliouKl vote, Tt ccrtoinJy appears reasjonable thot cvcry 6lngle womau o\vning prKperly, hliouM lia've a \vord to say about thc ehoiee of Jegislators who may liave it in their powcr to aflect t!iis property, and also a girl of adult agc, even if not in pos6cssion of property,might assist in the sclection of a public officer \vith as good reasons for a prefereuce as her brothcr miglit have or perhaps bettcr. Where man and woman are unitcd in the bonds of mnrriage, and thcy u twain are one flesh " therc do not seem as many reasons fbr partics so utiitcd to have a double votc, )Ve darc eay in such caecs, the votc is often the lady'6 ae the gcntleni;uvs ehoiee. I>ufc in rcspcct to the widow, 6pinetcr and nmiden of age, we think they havc a right to have a voicc m thq direetion bf thc public wclfare \vith, say a prop<prty qualificatkm. r A