Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — The Ministers Have no Policy. [ARTICLE]

The Ministers Have no Policy.

Xo ilecided policy of their own. Thej have put for\vavd the l>arl Harbor eessīon fion, wbich has bee{i thrust upou Iheia, in a 1 ai: heavted sort of a Thej kuow t!iat ui - dohigj if their projpo6itlon j?liould be aeeeplea. they woukl surrenderlng tlie honoi* Jf ile Ring ? aud l>e diiu.[nishing ov dekiroyiii£ iheii own miuisterial conscnuence; but thtj !.Lu*t know what else to do. Thej liave got luto i now. and wanl to eomuiit aud jentan-le the| all they ean, and luake : t appear that is eordial!y in lavor of a eession v(a part of ilt domiiuon of hi>s rojal aneestois, X j\v we believe a w,)id uf 1(. līh may! vei\ properly t ernnt to try or seheme, Dut it does iut fol!ow that the Ijv. 1 word so!oiunly ahu irrevocably pkojcu u* lij?upport. Thc traitprs want to uiake U appea-. j?o, hut we aio nol So \>e !toodwinkedj ;\ud ai. i\r

ovor \vo eare not \vhat ihoy iuay iay or pi\>vo ;wo \vi!l-tai dby tho aud ,of vho wholo coun:ry, eome \vlu\t may. 1 i the onciiiy tluit ilij? uo ahj\c a or ukkor *ay* that \\c aio \Yi»rku\g !ot oflkw ! Nov wiiae ollioo tiioio h\ ikcse tliat will pa\ Ui; ior ihe ueg!oet of o*ft īaiieu whioh iuv u oicar nunUtcikil ;i yo.u s ani the \Vi\y io douhle t!u\f yery sjou wliu a: tontion ? ilo yuu ihink iluU a luan as onood as oui' Shoj4iet-d wao hu* tl, shoals aud dopths of lUe* >viio k IU, aud oow;u\ikvs oC. liis iellow luus uu?ted uui£ly of wai and vf'hatJ ;uui lOVOj v\ud ol all the e>trAtc, aiud iueut e» h;utie ui iile ; ihut he shou!d uot uovr iu lii> gray iuid e;uuest ;igje bc to eouleuu, for punoiple whlioiu a wagc ? Oo —he pkeeuian uoi and w iil uucr iUi pu; ai hi* «Hil to jfcW m a 4c ludca people. and d hnd, ;iqd tf.i> he wi!) dl) k\\rjty; kt *u\[m^h