Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 25 November 1873 — It was so Auspicious [ARTICLE]

It was so Auspicious

The eommeneemeut of this reign ; but uow de§riided and dishonored. Arise oh, *pira . ilawaii! and 6ave the name of £rom diBhonor that iucompctent ana cowardlj men bringupoiUt.

what do you Think of Your "Safe Mea.

Who betr.\j jour , who dt>j;r<xiate $ou: i tere«ts; ;uiJ wlio eomprouiifre ,tb.e couuty v»efllation aud eowardice ? Ooa'l jou thiuk taa. knowled£v of j>ublle affairs, l'oiilueaa tvnpt:\nev, ure safer for tbc eouutrv, tauu aie: • hnp!n«s paution, Lowe?cr •'re«p«cU\ble'!""