Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 3 February 1874 — The King's Birthday. [ARTICLE]

The King's Birthday.

llifrMajcsty King Lunalilo coiapletcd 1 :i- tlnr-fcy-ninthyear on Saturday, the |31et ult, It Is sad that in the best primc of yec\rs 5 his natal day ehould find him prostrate with d[sease. His previous anniversary wae atteuded witli so mueli joy. |The people then rejoiced in the of a pclitieal jeavior. Aod we eaid then, in a paper eetting j forth the aecession o( King Lunalilo— iJ The j iustre ot a great nauie ennoblee, a wliole i»eople jand a brilliant promise iu a new Chief ought to jquicken a nation. And hcre i$ a nation that j needs quickening. inepiialion and ar* | awakencd paseion ought to give lt\\ freeh :>lart. % " j ihe naiion ielt aud stiil feele the new iu?pira- | tion and the awakencd passion t but it did not gct I the start tiiat ought to have apeen oui of the ' j uew eax3umstanees iu of tbe eonli;»' jof the country by a spirit of weak eonservati:?tn ' | that disi\ppointevi every hope t!u\t had • eeu 1 1 ened by the new reigu, M Surelv we sav all il.'īe. and j>ave indulg»>l \i: * imueh previowe eritieiein, n\ove ?n sovrou t?-an !u pl anger. We C;\nnot and wlll iiv»t forget n I enthusiaetie paUieanehip for h\ii\ whom I niaeil at the time as tlie true Piinee. We oannoi I lbrget how just one short year ogo s we wH*i an J ardent multitude hurraed >slth enthusiasm ; sei /I the ehoiee of a peoph\ And will any doubt t!\at ( | if it wei-e the \vill Provideik\ N tt at Lunali*1 shonld stand np--onee more before hie poople, a< » he did a Uttle over one year ag \ andbeagAtn W\W !! of prom?se of life, but Ihat with the people, ! wo«!d weleome the evēnt ae a ie*toratk>n rfe, I and we witb thetn wouM e!ieriel[ !;• v<- 'iI K?ng, snatehed as tt were, from' the »- •• --- i-- F - • -