Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 3 February 1874 — Union is Peace. [ARTICLE]

Union is Peace.

Uan we not 1 ii-e union fbt tLe sakc of the prospejrity of oUr island hume, and burj the hatchefc of our unchrlstian hates and ummosities? ! We all admit the value of peaee frhich may be promoted by union, and \vhat ean be a better| basis df union and co-opcration than thoadmittcd] wish and hope qf thc great majority of the people ? This is plainly indicated thcre is evidently no second party among thc people thathas any fbrce, plan, or lcadership apart from the promptings qf a foreign intrigue, whereas ;thc party whien ,we represent is sustained generally expressed will of thc nation. To eoin-! eide witb is to ensure harmony, and if forget mutual aniiaobities and rivalries anil mere I clique intercsts, and uniee to promote one national' objcct, thcn ppaee and prosperity will be ensured j and evcry man who is of any value may have an opportunity to be of service to the country, whatever may have heea his religious ereed, his polifcical view§, or his personal partialities. We : |Cordialljy invrte foes on all other questions! as weli as frieuds, to unite \vith us on this present paramount question so fraught \vith peaee or diseord, the to the Throne. i In indieating a ehoiee, we know that we have j on!y sho\vii the determined wish of the people. |