The Liberal, Volume I, Number 53, 15 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

BACKWARD OB tX)RWAKD? —The ie-establishment of a monar. cby is a rcal daugcr, But a, sbort īioao a#o (hd iuonartby wns lo all lnteuts un<l 4>ori>os6s deatl, It bas Ih»ch into ;mhurttion by tbe i , rovlstod»! Ooverument. Theue IBlau<lB are uow wltbout a government except a provlsloual affair, whieh by ite very uame advertises fcbe fact that ii' ls o»ly a temporary i!Dftfce«ihlft. If the people of the country do establish a republic, iutd annexaUoh the t T tiited SUtes, wlt<F will bo /oree<l to set up wirio klnd of a govemmenl, and H may be a pr<itecte<l moaarchy—the ' very worst mii* foi*tune that coul<2 befal! tbe eountry. If tbere is already a popu!ar foipi of govetm«ni ficm!y establisha u* iheo tber« cannot be the slightest exeuse for Interfer«nco by fore!gn powers. Tbe couotry wiīl then be in poalUon U> treat wUI» the TTnlted ytates in the manner tbftt fcecomos an Indeperi<leibt country. No matter Uow long annexatlon is delayed, it i» alway be it in one year or itt ftve. If a monarchy were! again set up hero, that wlll Ixj the; lastof the an.oexatJon wheme, and and ot all hope of progre*? ov pro."?perlty for Ha>vati. The Provisioūal Uoverninent ln-tond of making itself a j>opular and iepresentative lnstltution han to be a nanow tslJque. This fact V>ecoming knoWn Jn AmeHea h«s caused the r#>vv , ««t" ©f feellng agalnst ann. J,n.' The people who have iniere U iiere, ihoee who beliovo |u unnexatīon and those opposcd to parasit!cal royalty, canoQt afTord to tojke ihe ehaneea of betng loft ut the, m.. > lrey of lJ)u luveterAte oneiulcs uf dcccut govornmout. Now a perlQd wheu history U bclng uiade, and the ff»te of and lts lqtiablt#iit-j bangs Bwlngiug in the halaoee. is 110 Une t« let thtng9 drlft> nor tr«3t Loo uolueh tO i>rOVlfteUOO. lRMdi tjhe ,rrovUionftl <iovtruuient hnve kept liio way opēu for i recoiiolikUon wltb royalty, will bo th« Une of least rēslaUucv> <4ue?>tJuu H, if the who ovcrU»rew U»e aiooarv % hy wl]U i<i(y by, let tt <?reep back lo|b po*rcr if -: 3ffoW TO I>o IT, -those opiMwed t« ( monarchj' sho«ld organi/.c. XM man who VeH«ve-« m a repi tgg€*n forw of w <»01 s| 1«, »o matter of w&a; jrace, or ptfrty a£Rliia- ; Uok l; o!d l-wueu, and old dl|foroui:oi alwi l|d tx» dro|>ped. Wha( 4 m,au Ql| nave Wn # 9r <iuuc beforo the 1713 J&!QV&ry, ls of llt)A Impor-, t*x>i i>' In th<> formatlou n uew Jptt« n.' Th<» ottly tett *hpuld Ih> initk i* *>!id agftU>:>tmny Wrt M ttOMfrhy l or prot#«. te-1 Btgar« Uy f»ri thc !fawallati Wheo ' ār« o»rgan iivē t tb«y %hould " fw4i»lfv ptt»sent thvtri deoaaud* U> ' 1 1*rovlilonft? ' le |Lf ibrouih Mtnlljer tJ|Ldvfaiory CoeiicnpttOMM fto wt te fl|ffajtjf<e q jnr-

maneot b for Hawa*īlvJ U.-īag *\gr,&.l by tfac 5S ihoaW he «abralt;«<i :isfvt:a£ ot vitizeo=. Ia- vot« J upon by the e*ecUsr3 the whoie, Jīimd? f aiui *ftenwr.l U-i-ome thc- fandaiii'. > nital law o* t~flan'l. ,The New eenialn th<- o-ual guarantecs <~f t!»e righu <»s' nif*n an<l proivc*rty wf-t! 'aa |>er-iir»al free»Jom and j. i'nrp--i. Tt *hnuW provkle fora Pr»> ' 'vb » >h< ul'l h;*ve the pow<?r t rt M|*f>oint hi- <>abinet ,<ad ,iU ! • ī m thf- •* v r i.ii t" the 'A td,t' ~* jC " . k-i'hlauip' -iK.ukl be a permauenī ■ -ho AU vi-ory CouDcil, *?on- , ai*ting « f ;i£>;jut fifteen ruemi>:*rs to ibe electfnl by all tbe electors of tbe j Ī3lands for a term of three years. j one-tfUrd to be eleeleil anaaaHy. I Frequent eleetions are an abso!ute nece«*itv In order to koep tiw v govi ernment in touch with the j>eop!e. j Experience fully t!et»on.<»trate(l ! that in thf.s ciimAte it does not do to I give indlvi<iual-s a long lea«e of I iww«r. The quaiifleation for eleelior-> j shoul<l be that they read atul write | the English languāge, bave rc ; sMed flve years in these Jslan<is and be in rei'eipt of an ineome of six hun<:ire<l dollars per aonum 6r in lieu thereof |K»ses.s on eeiuealiopal quaHfieation araottnting to a high-schoot course. In this was popular, a $afe and permanent government might be se- ! eure<l without tumult or <liffieuity ! fcffl saeh time as we ean secure aonexation in proper form.

BONDS.—The Lieekai- is m a inebti about the advice we have been giving in regard to Hawauan bonds. We, are told that a number of meehanie» bave takea .bondsin plaee of tj*eir saving bapksi accounts and if the investUQent does not turn out as we promised, they will UoiU The LiiiEHAL responiible. , T«p. LiiiKHAL is a very respou3ible eoneem, and we will guarantee that t no one will iose anything by taking governKuent bonds for .saviugs oauk acoounts. Annexation may be deiay«d but it i* the manifest destiny o/ tk» Mawaiian Isiaoue.

1 «t7GAB»-Several p!ant h»ve expreesed their oplnion I that they have put thems<ilveB in a hole. No lx>onty ls in slght or remote!y posslble, nor h there any prohabHlty of any conBidewible rise iu tho pneo of sugaf īn the TJnlt<>d Htatef.J No ndvantage of any kind mn exp£cted from annexation that they donotalready enjoy under th«reclprocity treaty, while the cost of labor, the princlpal item in eane eti!tīire is sare to be increased by annexatlon. Tbe difficulty of obtalnIng free labor at prices the planlatlon« ean afford to pay seomsnlmo?:t anß«rmountable under tbe immīgratfoti laws of the tTnited States. Xt i f<? true th«t it is the avowed policy of thi> new admtnistration at ! Washingb>n to plaee h small duty on sngf>r fer revenuc purjMises—ono- 1 fotirth l ef a cent per j>ound i« propo«ed. Wtth Cuban and othor admltted free under rocipfocity treat!e«, and the ever increaslug pwwiaoHon of beet »ugar, there not mdoh pro9pect of any great r"t?o !n pr!ees. The T T nlted State? Govejnm#»nt ha* called into exislojnco eicton«fvo be«t «?ogar m'anUractorie>*. Tt! wOnM be almost a breacb eeuto leav©'them to comjH.*te with fr}ee ««gar. T!!lthor the beet sugur yfower« mn*t >*> teft to ihem««etves -nif ft|bo«nty of proteeHve duty munt t*e Thero & sqme liope ttint *ht«i vlew" ef 4 t%e case may r*mt In 90tfte pfotectiou for Amerittll Bot not|iug <lefiuite i$ in aifht ) but the libe?atiou of euutract laboren«. TlU> meel the viow» of HawaiUu J(|j>utcrj. We ajre llkeli* te see *tho i»owerM elomeni of the country lo ana<iitutlon, l>ecause »t", ifoes uot f at\ord with their imme*liate malerJ iotore»t-. Tt U al3d tha£ tbe ILuioh for the profitablo culUvatioa "oī eaue aro pa*t Mueh more Uum hu!fof the r>Ugt»i i"oll.fl|med L uiauuf*\'turod frotu au.l 'he ia- ' dustry iV<-on"tantly iucrca>ibg. Tbe »«ug&J b*j«.'t h.ia U grcdtlj huplov Uy cuith;ition aud luleeUow. ■ rr'Xci«erj >jf lu&nuf«duie bdvs Ikxu | |>vsfc'*tC'i, - > th.»t tli*j >vurld L uv ! ljugex d«p'cndeut upon CALV fur ' lli | *ug>u. Tb«r of uui ylxnUiti | faklug up yther loduHtrie-$ b ainuoai ; aleoi. to thal uf gutūg mt ol ; •' 'u'Uy p\mt* »ud &rraugei tha f bitT.c yaus ul

f =tu<iv ani Mr«-r4: tr p«rfe«.t wouU. hav<» :o be abaalone<l. ih& estabtfehffient o'/ new macbinery «u<i experiW«nfr ' 5 p&nlaiīe»!* wwiM b« iodr.- 4 .r:e> ?s*\īxmnā to ?» e£|ablū&J ed, '-:.t -ur"" pT*tnf»tTr»rr- 5» " roavi>rre4 fn? ■ ••at;nlog fJ'eior;» iī>'l iTir ,ist t V <5. + Wil.vr WE \VA>'T.~We w&ui, ; aon?x«tif>:i i'un and «Imple. W% ,', 'M Urn>- <;r «on<iitio?v?. EY«ry ' 4vz\- »īoinai:fl ni-ii!? i»y ihe cr.»ru-. : uii--: v :st \V.;-h'.!'.irton hais ( |ag: £ i::it the U-.-t iritery-,N of th« ' coontry 4-xcopt perh;ti* Uie lrauaty '6n -t:gr > r The exf-mption of ' iisn iand from tho op>rdtioc oi, ;,X"nited State- lan d lawa i-s vleArly { i' an attempt to keep-the =0:1 tt«d u& |and faUow. The īnsertion cf J {targe annuity for the Que«n. U & ! suspicioa# etteum»t*mee, not at al| j creditab!e to the comtnissiQii€r* wbJ deposed hor. If she were not b>| birth ihe legitimate :*>vereigo f an<| īf she had forfeited her throne bad behavior, what eartlily reuijoit could there be forglving thousand dollars per vear. thousand doltafs per year ,arei not * necessary for .the maintenanee of an elderly person ia. private life. While the puhlie. lands shou!d be given to the t T States, the Governmeut Buildings improvements and other should be reserved to the munieipality of llonolulu. The deslre to have s only resldent« appoi|ited to offics and to have the present governmeat commissioned under the Unitej|. States are not for the be3t of this <jountry. The ciaims that there ary no competea| s men iu tkis ,country to āll puMip offioes exoept amoug the royaUs|g and boodlers. As the people hayj, ofteu and emph»tically their want of confideuce iu this of pei'soo», it is altogether better have new men fro|u the U Btates free from ioeal parUtKm§h|s and corruptiou. After a careful sidaratiou we u»ust cooclude tjjat terms or couditions we likely b bdoefit thīs gountry as mueh §g āimple surrender of the whole to tte United States V Wean l?etter t« prt~ yides for us, th'ao 7 fo have matter? prearranged by who represent a very ?n*as ah(f Who?e interests are wtdely dīfferen: tmn the hias? of t!ie populalion One of the tnost effective meana that will be resorted to by Ihe eneft»ies of annexatlon to īn9!flt on conditions and Hawaii getting the worst of 'liie 1 bargain. To heeome a part of t3ie great republie is a sufßcieat sation for all that Hawaii hās|o offer. It mu?t be recc?»ized that those who talk of terma "jire ao friends of the new order of thing& NO lIAOLE NEED The Honohilu Koa*l Board is, iijs most perfect e.xniuplc of kaimi polille* We Uave Ttoard. -•oittposed of three e?ecto(l at the last eleelion on 1 Liberal tfckiet. There was no UUj|oft | i oroproniii3e, nor complicatlons ' ever; They were belīeved lje ' straight LlberaTs elected on JJhjj t-traight tlcKet by h stric£ly wu&' voto. A? soon a-< thcy were they on TTer MaiesU'^iye Queeft, and recelYe<l -\>me Uons a- to the couduct of deparljue!.t. Aflerward Hcr fomuiuui' idevi her ortj[crs tho lelepln/ne, and they t aSgfAvs recelved pn)i»pt obedience. Tba LH>eral party wi- organUiaj % -un>orL«<t (he*.*, dcl<fctaWc at the lK£loiot' of lhtarca«y T the de:Uratkns thA', --Na apfly " Votou»y did to cuiplo\ whiu» men,, plianee *M» l>4iicu. rty,ecUU LlWn»}* vf, They iurn|>l out . wkUe 4t»d ttAlive aul ; wllli uatives Mieeleā | eoeaaie? ot jLb« parfcy ūul puf I In thv;ii Uusj i«i tu Vi^i»|K w ■>' . ihe IkMtni tovk u pusi,Uoj* Xuc ! iioll anU wtbcr ehaugte wefe I with e-iuul youlem£t for all ! at h?ueaty. Thi* u | nfi i uaUvc ot d«ag I iooa he &la a uoi oart* ,& 4 Uma k-r I Uie vC jp I lum* acitlje* «* }}pfyfi hi^ t*jy wiiliei- wiiy ! imm ; iiiaaa af the fragiii^