Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 1, 9 January 1890 — A GRAND "ROUSER!" [ARTICLE]


Last night the people's national reform party u»ct iu meeting ut tUe ariii-jry. li lt ro wcre :tt lfAit 2,000 eutnusisis'..ie ulectui"s The meeting was cJIe 1 to oi\kr by Piēhiuen| Fl 'Hips wbo \ras greei.-il \vitli a *thuu<ler of applttuse, H. More Waa t leet j>l ehainuau oi the iue6tiug autl W. 11. Bi u», Wuu the ex»pUdu of Mr. Mulk-r aH tUe caudidfites iook M'!tts ujvm tiv. phuloun. rLo % v wtiv g t v< tw»Vh loni appl.»u»e. Mv. Aut mo was tbe til>t Kpekke?. n e as ptes;d*»ut pro fc'«. of llie Hui Kalaiaiua. Mi. Mi . Pre>iileut uu<i Cliī.»iUiitn anu Gtīiilt;tu m I as pro ("m. Presi.!ent of the Kui lvjbiA..i.H o«iog to the sttrt iuiiiioiiaiie ol jdr. Uau j I do r.ot d]»pe.ir as a e:«u. ! iusle for thi* d*s;fsct. j My views ou poliiie are well kuown; I hnv« no eall from the goveruuieut piir K v: I aiu agamst rLe goveruu)eut. I nm a:,aiusfit f.o.u lis%v u .na moiives; !ts "meuaui-e? au<ijx astmught iu view o£ its iMust tecora. The "itjloAm v ,pa.<i.v 1 ha« alwa3*s beeu agaxust the of u»Mve Hawa'iaus. Our voting right ks ,vell -h uU ,y 0 { our C3iis>4itutioual rght!< hr.ve bt*a shut oT w;ihout just cat?se. 'i'he iuiuist :y a .il- [ cd the lnlx>r |HjmUOU ;t id S.;:r Ju.g ul Uc.tlVoB :u ( l : ste kiely r üblishoa. Su:x !isU .vv aud |unt :ue. I objeet especiaNy to | «speciali/tho&e who huve sevc-i th« poliee hiA j mii»t«iy. I st:uid «u oue gtx»uud—l don't waut I straugēid, «U'l most of tht re r oim j\i.rv,y dv>et> uoi; : b«t thvy da e not h;\y 60. iApplaust;) The re |form jwi*iy. g«ht!etuen, aw meu who fallcw | pu\;iploi> uoC for pabJ-e but for peis,'U.r e.ids. | (AppUuee). h oue thiug, c*iitleui«n, ! thci>? is ou*J ib- ue—& ve?y iUn.te.ial is-.i e —aVI of Hawaiiau m<tēpteu.ie.uoe, aau stab,tity are ngrtcd iipou, aul that vhat by ! h,:r:non!ous ueīiou we S K»dUi uuile to oust disag eeable politiea» elemenis umiu tlos c«»unti v % But we sSoul1 l oust theui frotu p&x" OtuJ 1 have reii a .isy l>een w::h \ I >V ihoie I eh*uieuts we w;U h.. ~at . : ~\;:.-ir.in« i»U. •« of the oKiwa !.'•> !•• . 4 n . ■ • ; oi ihe treaty ipieHilon. Perlv ps >. •_> eou- | veivtlou of the i>eop<e shc«i i h»i » itdk- ? , ! We ouly wanted to settle 8-* et iuu) > » rl . r r. : i His majesty sai i ia'.l o, i , ; r 1 see:u.s the llawaiūm legatioa at \V.t i » • h.-»< (\ fcdv;toee 1 the Uoh tuing. i»at, g» i i wt j tljid not .i.-.' pt ihe situation a« the . » „ piū ii. Wo a<vpted it ouly that thert wu ; , n > irwiiy s|gn.'.l altlu ugh one was pn->p.,M\l. I\. inv motd | the revv»hmon of 1887 vr t >s uoi a native Hau riu\n ! r*vo'aiion and caunot tn eonside.e i <h ;ln« * I i *pd kor the peop'e of this >uī r ! 1 ■ | ' H »*l. 11. A. W' !- ;mu;i. SiiO: -Mi- ,» ! u ,i rtnnn ; nn ! Tue g ; fr .*« ..- v u. > ( i me. InLil' i«? ■' u m j\v fd like to «i-tv n «»r ! « e'i i , - t . -.tea«ecdote. i\-a .iug u ti,v A iver{isvr that I w «io;\.. on a Cabin*f. ■ lato ns Aiioan y-Gen-et.o. I di-.l tiot Uiiuk of the Attoruev-Geuerab slnj>, but of the fo,ooo. (Laughter.}* I mei a fnvitd of mine this momin;: whose p«*iue"pie* I v ' '-"><»»? <Uv V! ii..e h« s . n! do t!:.il, but 1 e.muot e.»n jratuiaie tha ! o>uutry on haviug you as At»omevrGeaerai. At tlu.t uiomem som«-th ; ug in.vrfered a-ul I e..uld uot an wer hin». I thought X had a dtifeveiit end M t ? u- story. Later iu the day I mei thk fii :ud anX f said I eouh! ans\vei hiiu. I said yon nght,y-n? are Mose . (Lar ghtet\ . You ali have the pnm ii les <>f thc phitforui a» n»ad. I vudea\\ r wiih al' iny to Ciiftv C: I ij>les thixjīigh. If I hml awyUiiag ek<i l the lH>nefit of th« oommuuity uiy Wt cndeavora will W* n>ed to ae omp'ish it. ( Apphiase.) I Mr. JlcCav:hv said: Mr. chairmau aud ge-uUe* ui'?u of iiie ualiouai reforui party: I app«jtf be- '

uif jvui Miu» uf OAUvUiltile« (ur uobis« Tl* uUtfuruu wliieh vou Uuvc ailupUnl u wūal I *iUua ou, uuU iC i<kcU«d« 1 will u»v UiV bem «u--(leMon to c«rrv ii out. lleiviufuit; il w wurki ingrtiāb bft» ha«l mo reprt?āontaliou iu uui lēgUl»tnrw, In th< uiaking uf «nr lawg tli#ir ijiu*rent« liftve uot b«H>u cuusuU«kl. The uuiue vu- # *giv!* v f un i fuimt i lcgi!slatu£vs Uuvt.' Wuu giT«ju to t'ue nvtoivsU of souic jp«'iicular or factkm. if I *>u iltcted I wiU du tliat i» m my |K>wi;r to fui tlit'r juui rigUtB. Ab tliu |»i ojH.Tiy iuul iueuiue qu&lific*« tiou iīuw u'tjuiru'-l uf hu u!**ctur uf uuul®», I am m f«T<.r uf n nt'u luig tba» Kōeliua ui tbe cuii«ti t«tkm !>? rtHUīcifij4 tlte AUionni *u a* t j iueluie in tli«t piivt'legv u nuinl>er of |>er*ous whu ar« uow iotellrctUH)jr qiittl< r «eil t<> exervlse tliat fr*nehiHO. I migbt iuclvidf iu tln« lLst our polio*. bau l. u.Hti*f hnl «lao r aiil u lot of uihei* wko •«' -v.i e .*!* *"-» I *' (liV ! ' V * ; * ■ > •»< •' I , ) , • i-v- • * * |" *• v •iei veu tu lUt>&c \vh » i».uj»a)veu t»ur svb»eui uf goT- »• •• *•«■ >»»* «lie.i iai»<>r, but I l»eli€tve f.mt Ī1 has iKnv «Uilived it- u^l.ihie^. I ilonH. thiuK t'irtt I ueeLi tcil you tliat tb,« ('Uha-Ni' «m this countvy ars an evil.*l l)elieve thāfe nll ret->gniz3 iaat fact, Ik- ?hcv uaiivt> or foielga, Bat ioiaerai.ig sliuuld l»c duno to ol>rĪHtē this «•vi', Tur p o-ou! yt!vevnuient s:iv that they will do somt»*hi , * i j;. l>at e.in we l»uliēvc t!ie»u? w l),ti iīiev not haw u « hunee to <lo thk &t Ihe last M}-»>iou ? \ t'h, InU thev sj»ht aud dodged it. I .'iia iu f.»vt»r ol hUuwiujj tlu- i»tantm ull ih«» Uh.» ;u< y u (j n . v - 4>*ii i th<K in»»ur shuu.il U 112'* *■»-' t ou? of tho v»uutry when u.ti 1- »««.•■ i tjn:ifu ».«r tUiit {.Uij\. h« uud ii tuu ouUt»«.avii.ult »> ,-Ui'll «U!*t it \v;il Uut Hiiow ltjgis!atlv»U oii t iiv v ;a.ii i itui >u f.;Vv»r v»f ii 8'» a,- t. * V ill li- t., so. In i>t!ert'tit etu o u p:vst'tU S:i:uiay hiw. 1 b{' ■ l*eve th*t we ;J1 l'iink tln* s?rae. It 'iU' bu imo;ediat«ly rqfft.ded ...id if it is my g»»url for!uu* to » wili lu.iUu 'u uiiu uf \&y ilm a*U t*) Lhvo ii. ao..e, Hon. fWa!H* v ]• I y«u in n c.tp;u .tv 1 i' i>e nut tluut 5 i"■ »i iii'iny vea.rs, fu a.sk y v u fur yuur vote furelective nobla. I i» tve K'ei you fur the hst thirty tive ye.*irs. und vou kiviw >o;ne-,hiug of uie Souiehrisi i)eeii *-.iid aiM>ut oui' susahiig -i platform, lmt the otbcr si;le bnd \\ , pl.aU»riu sijal. Mr. \Valksr fnrtl;er tonched ujxia the ;ignerltural iutorests, thē ChiiK'S'. quefitiuu, the r«iciprucity I l«"featy, an.l eonti :ueu uuicpendeaee of the kiagt UOJII. | (To he contiuued.)