Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 5, 15 January 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]


Forthe guidance of candidnt«s prcsented and sunportcd at tt : »citt eleelion in th« is]and of Oahu. H. I M by the combined poUtical A,ssoci&tions,the Mechanics' Union and the Hiū K&iaiaina.

I. Our t~;iud'id*tos »ro i* yrcmoto ,uhl Jefi*īid jUI ai« »«nres for the »f t?ie workiug clasj.es and to opiKVC wbaU*vor he swi >r vrtivs of tHclr ricbts snd ;ntere>t&, not fbrgettinsr hovcever u»at ad oīj»sstvs in uie tmtiort betug ahke n» : *U v ! ♦•» eo»»»»de*** ,, ''»o piot«H*tion, an* ro*.i»t be tor tl»c in;\J»>ritT of the |¥Ni|ī'«, o ! fhr v>» y fov thv *Uiujw2 rm* > «"Hii'l •;'»* n \ io»u*<»r prrv?rt»»d t»> or ;»u» »>! At*v Vm ?Ki»i voKhk; * o U r vaud dM«» are r»ifdue<l tc» ih" aMoiaU'» tndt nud jv"fe. t »*; ofthc felujdv..-t *:\1 r <; :ro,' »ict to $appor! *®v »rv?tife oiJve**ir*s nbicb ir,Uht lera t«thf *nr.efsttou or Hh«orptkjn of o«r 'oy ath:r v— v ' ,# - * Vl% r ,, T" : A r»t ot»t;»ir,'nir « *tiU w*r* !brin*l of our Ī».Uhh!v>v:*\ t*ith » uetiu':c £uan*nUe ofn«>urr,o rig» s «» 4 *i»cr vr!U t>" or a *r£ei*t IH >t only *,» Aiovva, (\fct s»'#o to all iheV*rcat l\>wer> wh» h»\e «x > ♦. >' m« «'il tr« «t\is r%* fr«f u'. *Uh thi£ tbēr vrj!i jfc**o eounlonanoi* Uk >>' !'*?• •. K* v'.; ivVi«v Tte?^y vith \\sm Vu!l?i «tR?n o* A i * * tbl? r*t*rv«Uoo ho»vvcr, t*aj.!, Ui t*.»ct pv*ml «f at* tiv»o t>i s Hlteratiou v»i tueir k«t iu?. uauaii M»- ai t;V«vty to J ! do| t e*t* t» to raret the c#»tinsrv'uoy; Vvl)ii>v dei*rvoafcting *ny- ' lll<coQsidcrtd Uwpmimi w:th tk« pre«en* w* !bink tbat —4rom tis btving beeti fmute<i Tt ry bnstily—?t is MOOii-sr : !y impeneeī. and th»t a beilthfnl rev!&!on ef tt wi«*+!* he oMf»ined in e»!m eouneU wlthont »ndtie ouUido pressure. Suoh * reri?ion—madc in a uro£t«c«hs nud lihml , iu x\t-x thc politic4l and #ofi«l advanovm*nit of tho countrr asd esr«»tnUy the t*eop!o\* l?hertie*. - wonUl he 15«' vi%< * ul s»Afcij»fi*ctory ■MiiioA •~v!: r v , ">£ for i 4 ter nlt to<»** of iY?r*yr*&. whieh At |»rvfvnt ao it >. 11 mau, native o» ft»reignvr. c*n < i.u ruin %\ h tt f • f"»r our futur<? Mkk*ty i"nd indejH*rden<:c; 4. Oitr caudid»te« wiH *upi>ort n lihvr*l naod*fi «fctlcn of thc ptts.*ut »'itr en th»* proiH?r»y cnd inC»4»q.«- n s tr *\\}u£rvd of «\ertons for Mble«. 1« ord*v to ui !*at Tottng»pr!tisegt? * wo; thv ck<* of n.M'v» s Und owner« an.i *ech*n!o», who »re v»ow nnja>t!y dvbarred, It ui.-.» ii «(i' to e,M>:iJrr whcth;*r * more Mfct?tdactorv $utns of the could be ohtalued *'V it i't?o t * o t»ep ra*e bodles, lu «lcad 'o«»ethcr, as at presetit, whh-h U aa sins»TOsty uō» tt> be found tn >ny other con*titutk»nftllr C*vcrned co'.nury, 5. We Wiieee thnt < rt?in puhllo of«<'es be 6t\d t»y c?cctio« of !he people «nd imooirae;.si iho s i »5* !o .-ot-»d-«*tīrtn of *h»« le»r;> , ara , Y. At nnv mle. *e » spect tuc appoinīn;c:it> to tho puhlie otlices will, I» tbe future, pirc to the put>lic better s*tisf.ution th«c tL* v hsw vic*ne hi!h» rto. jiikl we are iu f#vo; ot the fclop!ton of 1 jndh ions c>vil scrvicē and equitAble wn«'on law. to prote<*t ihe realiy eIW efcrat *r;1 *>•*»>*« >i»"-v«xrt< a»o1 seotirc iheui jfHii * t;o»*\a! '.-'t:. . -.«?ry ;v?:tL-a* c!iange; 6. We dw*de'lly fsvor thc utoVt ritrut wnomv io thv vxiH'iuī;t;at* of ;hc puMle fundf;; and one of »he ai -fc p, ;» »f- of that de>ire rsn bc gi\«u t'.»e .«.u.'p t of al! umieeessary ofttoes. q v >v for tbs**purp v>e of ftivorttism and by the ix4«vtio.c. v v ?ahvr.e?, while at the : «fcinetia..\ ilo' Luwl > r.nd iudUpm-Ab!c puMk mhw.i*, *\ . * • ,i f» ;t. ' s.~vh <x ? t on n tm-v . . .. .. b«iit ou the partition of the sMI into numcn-u> st» j l l !?-n»s -Athr- i.*to * tcw t»ree eMates, Our c*iKiutßtcs will endor«e all i>mctt( *ble tton* t.»r »u^to»"m! ! ..īs tUic*eucy o)f the llomē i »tead Aet. »nd the w*v? and inean* of ob t»»n»n« aod de\vutore Undf t■» Uur purpo>o> of tk»; Cor<\ m»v. 'tuu;:s;rA';on irciu'r,it'y. it ? . v •». •"* *.» M»ev;al kU' Ulio;; to t\- of :he I*. Cl »>n - >•»>;•!* •'•-• ' ta» tlu«.tht£ tW.! «•< *tkruc3 t . ;\ v>r»r caus?:.iat»:# » E" r.*t "o.'.i;t;ovn:;\ mdor*i w <f n »V»M-rV !•'•'*". t v C * *"irv»* Hh ' >.}"•*> »■ - O »I|. • *-»*■ *iC** , * >t i ;.'i' sc-l dr.t.j:et m <• <t V.» A"'fctU līs.r,lf« who s»rea.;rv t;».-.I *' H i *'-' r v r--; ♦«e V r x - 1 4 *;vi*» * »v.'y 'he !«»•>":<rn Yfa t . e. . '.ī.*-\-* oe vn*• t vu k * •'! * ••• f»l '»V.*!*.-r* qi«h u*i *«»» i "a ■* '• r " ••' f%», , '.:■' . * " ,l •"• ■ *- n>v '. i: ,v V r;.''.\ v -*"• "»*« "C »•* ;«l*»Ut atft . • a;. d »«* rw.i. i.»i* a» MMm uo Uny;<!r for plAatation ldlwr, For.

*»!H* tl\r C «n*\ltutlunal 1. .*• .<>: iimv tn;.., <«d J.',a >r:, » . ■ , \ H . IV «■ itlh I > t < \*« UWM' |KH»5* I A>—(lt«l iM«Uhfr «hr gov«<mme»t nor *ny p«bll. gotrrnmcnt ri*iitrmitv>p4 i»ho\iM !m? »1 i |o««d to tt#e Übor oo phMle work*; t fl»—*h»t oo r*pw i'otw«r* of tut|*tlc r*ce« ;>aon!d V u> enj*au* «n trswlf or mevh*idcat «n'eupa* ■ ti«>iv», tb<e |*r«i«nt Hccnscs bclrsg grsdually }o» the iiaiiin*! aiwppe**** 3lo * of tle *v'tual ownen l »; i & lu U»e *peciat lo!eresU of*he ela.«ses, ' ll*«r*ii»n »nd foroSv'O, wt fnT©r the foltowlng su£V t»iat no fluint»e«! m*ter l nV tl?*t r»n t*<* maile or |>roeurod hcre o« mwonahle trrtnf lu»ix>r!f<l ' f«»r jCovernm« ni um\ as to pn»ttvt H>eal lnttu*!rl%»!«; I u>—ihM, iu vnMi*idcraUon »»! tl»o henw sub«tilles > paid to th*? Q«iccnV llosj>lta! (Vom j»ubtlo fta»«ls 4 | U»** go**rfnj»ei*i #Hon M twKt oīi U» tru*UHS wtortl \-m»' n*£ul.,:»«> *• s«v mū!vC of lt • *ruJr / , s '' Ri„re aw to thc desti | tude af all Mtional»tJesj ! o}—that the pre*ent Snnday law be liberally , !UvKiitī«-4. §o vhat ihe people !*e alioweU lieultltful i recreatioa oa that d»y; ; I»—4liat a uiore «miitiiblc Msmmcnt of propcrty ® aud a ju>t revU»on of the tax l»<wg he ohtfttned; j 10. Keg*rdhtg the •iiN'ml poliej det!red t»y our AssocUthni* pnMle lmpH>Tement* h!iTl% for t th* dsre!opnfrt <>f n«tioml an»! ij!viiHs urx'»ter fWc»litics t«» tl»e fk»re*£uan<ltli»mc-tic , cornnieivc", we siH*cii4Īly nvonum v nd thc Pollowin^ A>—tU« imm<tliate lmprovements of Hono'ulu ' B*rh©»-, !o acvvm«Hl\to v« <?els of *hc l«r£ost !onu*rc iUiil -t « "ii, " , irr« o! M-.e p»rt. e, I —Ttie ♦ , xteßfton of the mtlrosd *rownd o,i*»u, » wUkh wltl not «<nl»* ofe\»i.at ion to lahcrcri*,: ? i»«ki fc<. iot«».« t\« «.>! «he btand suut _ ' proiu rt t* !hc >T , tlv.' ,H neh hmd;*: t C>—tfc« ado|»tiou oi Ik ttcr and iuore ssystematle ; -o*£ .«j>:ei'i. 4itul '\c , -mmii: of new ro»«U In th^' i r«mi»te dlstHet«i wherc thc loc*t ro«d-tAXCf *re in- ? A«ftcicat ii;J .wLe;o ,'ntly the laniln nrc ' now )«accr»>itMc (o *viiteuuMU; } *>w-th« in)*»r«4rvmeut of U.«irhor tnd l#ndine * faeintics. on nlf thc i;lc.!id<. and the c»t [ ali neeess«ry wharvēs and hridge?: i IC to carry out th»> above eoiiteonp!ated tmproveor t'o*r U;c rcfaiuting of llie presen! naiio»ftl « ucbi, * I''āu bc iitc ue r«?corameud a proper utilisation of the Po.-i-OīHee SuVing Bank; : 11. DtMt a!t-»t s on Uo gvYcn to thft g» % u<»r*! 1 edncatu>a,—■with liHeml suopofi «>? puhlie fcho its, —1«» i.he ht>alih ot tbv eountVr atlsrsre ;»nd io »he . sanimry «,>nditious of tUe citv of "Honolulu. lu • Ti#w ol preventtng tbe recca? «xc« »»es of £ov«r«-' . uifit *.«'U'rao«uon. a rai*ti<>us *t;uly ui,i>t i>c mad« of Uie fmihilitj of loeal &{f'■<pr<rrtrn*~Tit; and ta;ftiiy. we Jvniand a » 4 .rouq; and ;vctmini*tra- * t tk>n ōf tiie iswt. mnd h more i*npaittul pros, cution dethu]uent«.. opium $rauggicrs, iliieit iiquor- ; c.*ilci » uii«l - thst ♦h*" >i sc h'-ipe vij»ws,,—fArn»uh\t<'d in ' ■ partūmn sj»int, out wuh ttic tnost e.inu\>{ «i«;.i»v «•» tfce «>? th;« c«Mintry at l tr£e a< \vell »• o( tuo (MU'.' i>i 11»<: jk«»i u- «u,t «»f 11«« 'Ho c^(tse>. -v»-'U mcct wltti 'h» approba\i >n of the iK-ot»l*» Jn th» h*,\v a.< thev atrc;*ly ti,\ve n«**n ct*Uors«jd oy «»ur caH«tiu»Tes, w# e*r«v *uy i-:ui 1 oa llie !o tjamrV?t t ucir ai.Uu-.-ion ct thc [ i 1 !-. , Uonolulu, Jacttary