Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 5, 15 January 1890 — THAT LITTLE STOCK DEAL. [ARTICLE]


The gov«iument ne\?spaper iuifortu naU ly tc uclie<l vipcm tbat uew plaiUa* I iion scheme, gotieu up in favor of the | disafft ctcd iiKlepeiulent ex' posctl some tiojc since. The govern* ment newspaper admits ii itj only par po„sted as to the facts» but is &uiO Uid whole seheme an j lionest eomoiercial ventnre, TVi»r* | uuvr! we adtnit you nre not ; »4eci, as |usnal. Suppo«3 ia th?B ins iiee you 1 post yonrself, whieli you e k do by ' talliing with ?ome of tho y>>, M wlio , kavc onlv subscribed for si ek. īn ! , the mean time p!cas«-> publish a llst of I those "sixh subseribers of Ewa stock ; holding $1,000 or less s \ T* woukl be| l well at the same iime, if \ wish to' |be Wlieved, to publish the < ndividual' I an\ouuts paid up on said f vk and leali puhlie attention to the . v f Ihe j>eimius actually hokling said stock to secure the "mipaid halanee," Oi j polit:es! bribe tvas int*nded: it was ouly those foolish ' ,f bo\V who*thouglit so, beca«se of the ' ten,leney displwed in certain quart<H*s [io ■ < gobble ,# a!l the stock that eame 'in >ight. It is qnite lncky that sixty |ofthe *'bo\-s" got !n on that Ēwu 1 oek. How was it iia regard f ? tne f Honorau stoek ; were therc sixty or six ( got in there ?

! Tō«!»ay ||jo party at Ark>n Hall to nominata nine cuiididatos for nobks, It will pro bah\y nUo put fcrwarcl a p!atform. A iplatiwrm with 'ho goTornmont partv jls simply a prospeetus to catch votf r M<rt In ar*f Ivq,s tlw>> I # i oanilidatos, who, acconling to the author!ty of tli# Advertisor, aro pos ( of lngh eonccptions whieh ele j vatc thom above onlinan- io«>rtttl* anil! ! nl«o!v(> *hf»K> frnm o«llH»r«riCn i«~> knv> l i |politica! p!ōdgos, | ĪF the govomment pnrty isso proud J of its record hv does it not pnt tht! »olons in tho fiold who dispensed law to us l«Bt session? Thoy woro flatteringly mentionod at the tirao a$ mon of long hoads and it was concodcd ovon hv their oppononts that thc thicknoss of th»ir cranimnii b<>rf> i*rj f*vor*bie coraparison to the length. If tho party is so prond of its record snroly ito prido mnst inchidothoso who icado its r«cord *