Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 9, 20 January 1890 — MR. KAULUKOU’S POSITION. [ARTICLE]


A few days ago Mr. Joha Lota Ea< ulnkon, the govemment eandidute for r«pre«entiitive in the Sixth Distriei, udand of Oahu* was very muoh exeitdd over & com.nunication pablished in the Nitionil Hbba.ld about his being a probable governuaenfc candidate. Mr. Kaalnkou emph<il»£aiiy donied that 2*ueh was the ea&e On iim at*ir)(U6iit : we published editorially a sbcrt denial I of this rumor and promised to ins©rt ibiswritten denial, pubiished below, [ as soon as we had space to spare. Bince : our first denia! for Mr. Kaelukon this gcntleman has beeome a eandidate on tht> government tieket and h!s name |as sueh candidate is offieially pubi lished in the Adyertiser. We there* fore take great pleasure in withdrawing our editorial denial made for Mr. Kaulukou i.nd publishing in its plaee I the written denial and now sēlf*atulti* |fying document of that gentlemau ihimself:


To tke Editor o f the NaUonai HeraXd JDeāb. 8i&: —Among otiier opinioiiß eipnewi in the lcttti signed by "Troe Hawauan M in yonr paper of the I4th (d Janu&ry t 1890; I notiood theee worda: "And it is wported tbat ib»j aie alw&ys alter the Hoa. J. L. JKaultakou to be a candi«Ukto on th«or «de. M laōOMderiag the intentiou and mmning q| the &bovc word&, it aeema the partieß as oomicg after me, are probahlj the pieee&i | mini<terß oi the Eaog, or othorwkß, thoee tv>a : are probably backiag Unm and*apptovißg oi the oonduct of the affun of the government at the pre«ent time. ® In »plying to these wo"rds, I now Btand forth and pnbiidy deoiaie the tnith, » «Q may «sēe from Hawaii to Niihaa. iKot ono wkp' ali of \hem or even anj one ontside \jf mem or >nv n* iiiii a Vrv c r wf tbose «uupoi^. ing tne enuiiin ot gof«nuiMmtāi at pre»ant tame, have baen tomeand askdd tne to mnaaa eandidate on the govMmaikt Bome time figo I was aaked by soafte of Un qnalified eleotors of Uie Distxiet of and I hare oonaented tethat, and myißi»dfc fized lo rna m a £or I hava «ai(6d &rtbo molt of 4wl a '-~Jf bytfaisdodeokj*e that I h\tmā to nm «a wa a&d£epegtde&& eaiidi<iate, a&d frtiani? m aaanl &t Oa peopk wiOi the U>Td oi co*mtay fer t£«

•**•! ri*feteot »li« with aad wiUwal lMr I)mI jastioe ahall be ik»n©. I 1 ray maoh (kire to s«e go*d Md *quabJe ad ninialniUoii ol the gov«r«M>wit, aud th« ophoM Utg »<v tnnh«» rna <*•»*)•*»« of I Um o>uUn iiy iu «aa ( aa«l "lo 6wrosor? pr?strr<* thu of tJiis eoun* liy, aod to N» pn»t»»ct»»d hy «11 and for tbe int«rest ol iQ tho6c in //unhui' »«'. I am, Johx Lota Kaulukou. Hoaoluhi, Jsiraary lfi, 18U0.