Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

fjiE 10$ Ab isprinted and rublis]ic ; d for ihe Propvjt*tais evciy aft<.'rnooiv (S.ui ]-iys c\ceptod), l>y the Elele Publishiiig €o. Ojjirc fib, 6j f\ing 67., līonolalu 11. 1, S L T BSOIIirTIv_)NS TO—— The Kational Hheali» : : : 250U. n monih. All adve*rtiftementss must bc liandod in by I*2 M, if insevtod tho Hanio day. liy ordor ol' tlie propriotors of THE NATiONAL HERALD.