Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 15, 27 January 1890 — WHEN ROGUES FALL OUT! [ARTICLE]


There seemed (o be aomewhal of u polhieal mystery o<pmecte<l with the hasty birth| it a day in th© oamp&tgn, of a little eiiht by tea govemr meiit party sheet ca|lled the Honolulu Daily Times. Inqniiy waa soon folby the £act ttiat there had been a politioal row in thp gOvernment party eamp. It seems the c< exiBting administration'' has fjallen ont with the hertofore 1 'existing > 1 government newspaper, tbe Avertiser. The main facts are about as foliows: The i4 existing admiinistration M favors the straight government ticket on the island of Hawaii, nominated at Hilo by the government maehine politicians. The Advertiser eame ont a few days ago and endorsed the independent ticket for the island of Ilawaii. <4 Take it back!" cried the fi existing a^minia 1 tration.'' "I shan' t!'' yelled the Advei*tiser. Tou'll be politically damned if vou don' t!'' the <( 'existing administEation." "I'll be damned if I do!" howled the young man of the family-compact organ. Thus the matter rested as far as the Advertiser was concerned, but the <( existing administmtion'' was thoroughly mad and proposes that the government party's maehine politics shall be upheld even if the family« compact organ has to be politically snowed under. The ''existing administration > ' proposes the big Advertiser shall be snowed under by the little Times. How is it to be done? By isv suing large numbers of the little Times, a thorough adminis~ tration" newspaper, and distributing them gratis throughout the islands! When political rogues fall out patriotic people generally secure justice! The Times is also in favor of tke an> nexaiion df Hāwaii hy Anierica.

The native oppositioii pr6ss is daily holdiiig out to its readers tbe pledge of its party to break down the property qinUification oi electors for 4 Nobles. The Reform Party is openly opposed to anv reduction whatsover —noaolulu I)aify Times. The National Refbrm party is not committed to breaking āown property qualilicatious, but simply to a judicious modification of thera. The gov» ernment party is opposed to any modification whatever. Yoters take your ehoiee! " After tbe government i ;uty has attempted to convince pei >le ever sinceiastSeptemberthat the existing administration'' was oppos ■ 1 to an American protoctorate, the admission is made that the eutire goyernment par<y is in favor of an American protectoraie solely! This adniission is now openly made and a defo of the position is attempted by tlj<> govern• ment through a neweamp sheet oalled the dnily Times, , 1 ]***■ Saturday. We eall the attention of native Hawaiians to the dangerous fact that thisnew government newspa per actually demands that the United States shall be given sufficient po wer to be eqaJbled to deci<}a or against Hawaiian indepeadeuee at $ny future time. The Naiional Reform party demands in the name of the people the Hbsoluta and onqaalified independence of the kingdom. Let every native Hawaiian remember these facts when he votes !