Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 15, 27 January 1890 — REGISTRATION DAYS. [ARTICLE]


Tfeelolk>wiaBMo th6 fee* dayB aSo«ed to 13» «btta»ol aoiMloln faiiore of whiok will 4*sxiv* iiiam oi U«r #t to ▼ote: lint IMaIM» W P*»«i»©fc, o» Wedhw4egr* Thnraday ««d Fiid«y fPom 4 to 8 p. m. Sdoond Distekrt, Seco»d Precißct, onTaesdiif and Friday from 5 to 7&0 p. m. Seooa42Hotci<& Fiist Ppeeinei o» Mcmday (S ! to 6), Wad2fcesday f (7 i0.9) aodJHday (2Se6ond PiBtrict,. Second Pieo«MJt, pii Moaday. Ts«oday and Fridny hom 7 to 9 p. m. Th»d Dietriot, First Pfceoiaet, on Monday, Wedne4d&ji ānd Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. Third Disferiqt, Seooad Pr©okiet, on Uonday and Thursday from 7 to 9 p. m. Foorth Di»triot f First Preoinet» on Taeeday (7 _ to 9) and Friday <6 to 9). Foorth District, Second Precinct, on Friday only, from 4 to 8 p. m. Fifth District, Firet Precinct, on Uonday aud "Fridayfrom7to9p.nl. Fifth District, Beoond Precinct, Wcdnesday (4 to 7) an6LFridfty 2 to 8 p. m. » —Our ",andidate& are emphaticcUly pled<jed to mainiain ike abmlute indepemience and auUmomy of tke Kingdom.—National Reform Platform.