Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 17, 29 January 1890 — FALSE REPORTS OF SPEECHES. [ARTICLE]


*fet MMW !a mhkh vipetfe 0* <mm , H apeeehoi aad p*blbfeed .fe tbe *•- Imb w«wr ia gMag tōo banlM«i fc> be allowed to go aaehalksaged. IaUM apeeoh «redited tomeby th«Tims9 > I •m KioapoiM MoOBraiag ay iilwiniii Wbat Idi4 »y Hiat tohmloexsi tte»9ld be āboUsbed a&d noae bni regulars i» kept for gov©nußß«at serviee. I did not say that the MU*ister« «bovld be «leoi«d. Onr piatform k a& opa& tedal <m llkli Boore. Tbo refereaoe to tbe wbitas ooming here be£ore lbe mast and jan)pißg mto a f#t, soft tbi&e in Hawaii, has ao appliomioa to tbeaeobaai<» or wbitee that oame ia oa th«f owq aeooimt, wbieb ibeyhaT%>a right to do. I nrferred fc> tbal of mea who are imported to onppkat aatita «nd wbite teeobers ideatified with the ooaatryJ[ aad Ihoee who BUpplant both aatUesja&d whitee ia tbe xaaay employments uader goTexameat, imported Bpeoialiy for tbat purpoee. Oa tbispoiat I am em* pbatioaUy oppoBed. Theie aie eaottgh whites aad UatiTea, who are better eatiUed to the ooasideratk>a of the goverame&t or refonn party Btz&agerg. Tbe Times aleo reported that I eaid that (< the Kiag ahould be the power above eil lawe, aad rule la his oouatry." What I said waa tbe Kiag has beea ebora of maay rigbts aad privilegee by the reform ecmstitiitioa whioh should be corrected at Ihe <xn£Mig His veto power sho&ld be befetar dsfiaed Tbis is eaasetiyi wbat ī said, aad it must be apparent that my i Bpeech bas beeu wilfally perrerted. j I mentkmed the iajostice of the actioa and fa-! voritism sbowa by tbe Boud of Eduoation,' j I said Mr. Bishop sboald be put oat of hia poei* j laoa as bead of that bateaa. ] I will aot trespasB oa yont spaee to poiat oat ia deteil the aumerous misstatemeats made about 1 me as ooataiaedia tbeTimes' report of my speeeh aad aUo ia iteas agaiast me ia the P. C. Advertiser. Ia almoet every p£rtioalar it is a tissue of falsebooda, for the purpose of creatiag raoe prejudioe aad weaaiag my foreiga friends to their side. £ now that my advicd aad oounael to the aatiTM hitherto aadalways shall be, to avoid the aee oI liquor, not to take Mhw, to quahfy themseives accorcttng to law, not to be bluffed by tbe ptf6saa ofi&oiala, wbo woald seek to deprive ihem ©f tbeir jmst rights, and, above aii, to avoid eoiaiag iaeoafl*et witb the wbite brethiea who are ia onr saidst, aad aayone wbo savs differeatly is B. W. Wiwxnf.