Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 21, 3 February 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BY AUTHORiTY. RE6ISTRATION NOTICES. Fij*st District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. ■R.EGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Alistof voters for Noblcs and Representatiyc& has /been posted at tbe Polllng plaee of thls Pre--1 einet, the Goverument Nursery on Kmg street. Voters oan satisfy'themaelves by inspectingsaidlist that their nam<3s are properly entered. For the purpose of raaking any eorreetions and for any aaditio«al namestobē added, meetings will be held at the Government Nursery, King street, onW EDNEBDAY, Jan. 291 h, from ito 8 p. m. THI RBDAY, lan.mi, lr«» 4 to B P. ». Chairman of Inßpectors, lst Preeinet, lst Dlstriet. j2Btf. First District, Second Precincl! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGĪSTRATTON OF VOTERB. | Notlee is hereby given that a me<;tlng will be held j in the 2nd Preeinet, lst Distriet, Honolnlu at the Puhlie Sehool Houee on Beretanlafitreet,hetweenj — 2Stin iust., from 5 to 7:30 P. M., and on Friday, 31st mst., from 2:30 to 5:30 p. M. . ■• ; A Hst of persons registered and e "titled to vote , will be posted at the aV»ove ]ilace on Thursday, 30th ; inst M and tViday, 31st inst. , , . i Alivote.«i lu this Preeinet are requcsted to ?>et-, tl»ttb«lr | GAKDNER K. WILDER, i J. ALFRED MAOOON, j2Btf. Inspeetorß of Eleetion, 2nd Precinct. Second District, First Precinct! honolulu, oahu. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspectors of ElectiOn for the 2nd Distnct, lat Preeinet, Honolulu, will meet at the stōre, cotūcr of Nuuanu and Pauoa «tre«t*, for the purpo ß f of ieiiisterinij. voters and correcting the Register, on W£DNEBDAT, Jan. 29th, from? to 9,P. M. and FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from 2 to 6p.m. ■ * U ' ALFRED W, CARTER, Chairman of Inspectors of Election, lst Prceinct, i 2d Distriet. j2Btf. ! Second District, Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATIOX OF VOTETB. The Board of Inspectors of for the 2nd ! Preeinct, 2nd District, Honolulu, will meet lor registerine votere and correcting the register at thc Pollii3£ Plaee for said Pre<-inot, Hon. w. H. Rtce s barn, oehool 6treet, on FRIDAY, Jan. 31«t from 7 to 9 P. m., and at No. 4 Engine house, on MON- j DAYandfUES D AT, Ja„.* \ j2Bti*. Chalrman. Third District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATĪON OF VOTERS! Notiee is hereby given that a meeting will be held in the First Precinet, Third District, Honolulu, at I the Honolulu Rifles Armory, Beretania street, on j WEDNEBDAY, January 29th and FRIDAY, January 3lst, between the hours of 7 to 9 p. m., for the i r>urpose of Reglstering Voters and correctine thc ! Ree'lster. These mcetings will be continued from j week to week at the eameplaee on the same days and hours as above, F. TURRILL, | j2Btf. Chairman. Third District, Second Precinct! honololu, oahu. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. For the purpose of registering; voters and correet»n£ thc list or voters the undersigned will ho!d a publie meeting at Aliiolani Hale, on THURSDAY, Jan. mii, from 7 to 9 p. m. Besides the above meetmg, applications will be received daily for Registration of Voters at the sam.e plaee during of!ice hours until the end c>f this month. . „ The boundaries of tlas Preeinet are as follows: All that portion of Honolulu makal of Beretania Mn to the water front, boundedby Riehard street j on the Ewa sidc, and by Alapai and South streets 1 ou the Waikiki side. . No person ean vote whose name is not regiĀtered in the new Register of this Precinct. b HENRY SMITH, BARNEY ORDENSTEIN, G. V PETERS, lusi>eetors of Election, 2nd Proeiuct, 3rd District. 1 j2Btf.